ローマ法王 to Egypt Copts: "部隊d in the 血 of our 殉教者s"

VATICAN CITY (AP) ― ローマ法王 Francis has phoned the Coptic patriarch of Egypt to 申し込む/申し出 his 弔慰s for the 25 Christians killed in a church 爆破 in Cairo.

The Vatican says Francis told Patriarch Tawadros II Monday that the カトリック教徒 Church was "部隊d in the 血 of our 殉教者s."

Francis has frequently 公然と非難するd the 無差別の nature of Islamic attacks against Christians.

The Vatican said Francis 約束d to pray for Egypt's Coptic community during his Monday 集まり for the Virgin of Guadalupe, a feast day that is 特に dear to history's first Latin American ローマ法王.

The 爆弾 went off during Sunday 集まり at a chapel 隣接する to St. 示す's Cathedral, seat of the 古代の Coptic 正統派の church. No group has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 責任/義務. Most of those killed were women and children.

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