North Korean medium-範囲 ミサイル 実験(する) fails, US says

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - A North Korean medium-範囲 ミサイル 爆発するd seconds after it was 開始する,打ち上げるd on Sunday, U.S. 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that (機の)カム hours before the U.S. 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 arrived in South Korea, and as an American 航空機 supercarrier approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊.

The U.S. had good 知能 both before and after the 開始する,打ち上げる, said a White House 外交政策 助言者 traveling with 副大統領 マイク Pence, who arrived in ソウル in the afternoon to start a 10-day trip to Asia.

No planned 返答 is 推定する/予想するd from the Trump 行政 because the 公式の/役人, who spoke on 条件 of anonymity to discuss the 行政's 初期の understanding of the 開始する,打ち上げる, said there was no need for the U.S. to 増強する the 失敗.

A man watches a TV showing file footage of a North Korea's ballistic missile at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. The letters on the top read "North Korea, Fire missile." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A man watches a TV showing とじ込み/提出する (映画の)フィート数 of a North Korea's 弾道学の ミサイル at ソウル 鉄道 駅/配置する in ソウル, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. The letters on the 最高の,を越す read "North Korea, 解雇する/砲火/射撃 ミサイル." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

The 公式の/役人 said that had it been a 核の 実験(する), "other 活動/戦闘s would have been taken by the U.S."

North Korea has 行為/行うd five 核の 実験(する)s, 含むing two last year. 最近の 衛星 imagery 示唆するs the country could 行為/行う another 地下組織の 核の 実験(する) at any time.

The White House believes that Sunday's 実験(する) 伴う/関わるd a medium-範囲 弾道学の ミサイル that failed within 4-5 seconds after 開始する,打ち上げる, and that it did not 伴う/関わる an intercontinental 弾道学の ミサイル, the 助言者 said.

The North 定期的に 開始する,打ち上げるs short-範囲 ミサイルs, but is also developing 中央の-範囲 and long-範囲 ミサイルs meant to 的 U.S. 軍隊/機動隊s in Asia and, 結局, the U.S. 本土/大陸.

The failed 開始する,打ち上げる will sting in Pyongyang because it (機の)カム a day after one of the biggest North Korean 宣伝 events of the year- 祝賀s of the 105th birthday of late North Korea 創立者 Kim Il Sung, the 現在の leader's grandfather.

大統領 Donald Trump was uncharacteristically 静かな about the failed 開始する,打ち上げる, which was 試みる/企てるd from the east coast city of Sinpo. In a 声明, 弁護 長官 Jim Mattis said Trump and his 軍の team "are aware of Nort h Korea's most 最近の 不成功の ミサイル 開始する,打ち上げる. The 大統領,/社長 has no その上の comment."

North Korea's ultimate goal is to have a 十分な array of 核の-tipped ミサイルs in 返答 to what Pyongyang says is 敵意 by Washington and ソウル meant to 倒れる its 政府. North Korea is thought to have a small 兵器庫 of 原子の 爆弾s and an impressive array of short- and medium-範囲 ミサイルs.

Many outside 分析家s believe that North Korea has not yet mastered the 科学(工学)技術 to build 弾頭s small enough to place on long-範囲 ミサイルs, though some 非軍事の 専門家s say it can already build 核の-tipped shorter 範囲 ミサイルs that have South Korea and Japan within its striking 範囲.

The U.S. 太平洋の 命令(する) said in a 声明 that Sunday's ミサイル 爆発するd on 開始する,打ち上げる. South Korea's 弁護 省 said it was 分析するing 正確に/まさに how the North Korean 開始する,打ち上げる failed.

In ソウル, South Korea's 大統領の office 会を召集するd a 国家の 安全 会議 会合 to 診察する 安全 postures.

Always high animosity has risen on the Korean 半島 in 最近の months, as the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs and South Korea 行為/行う 年次の war games that North Korea (人命などを)奪う,主張するs are 侵略 準備 and the North 用意が出来ている for Saturday's 周年記念日 祝賀s. A U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者, the USS Carl Vinson, is 長,率いるing to waters off Korea in a show of 軍隊.

分析家s 警告する that even failed ミサイル 開始する,打ち上げるs 供給する 価値のある knowledge to North Korea as it tries to build its 武器s program. The country 開始する,打ち上げるd a long-範囲 ロケット/急騰する and 行為/行うd the two 核の 実験(する)s last year, 含むing its most powerful to date.

Aside from 改善するing the 科学(工学)技術, North Korean ミサイル and 核の 実験(する)s are seen by outside 分析家s partly as 成果/努力s to 支える the 国内の image of leader Kim Jong Un and 適用する political 圧力 on ソウル and Washington.

Kim has overseen three 核の 実験(する)s and a string of ミサイル and ロケット/急騰する 開始する,打ち上げるs since taking over after the death of his father, 独裁者 Kim Jong Il, in late 2 011.

Another ミサイル 実験(する) from Sinpo failed earlier this month, when the ロケット/急騰する spun out of 支配(する)/統制する and 急落(する),激減(する)d into the ocean. That 開始する,打ち上げる (機の)カム の直前に Trump's first 会合 with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. 中国 is North Korea's only major 同盟(する).

The 延長するd-範囲 疾走する ミサイル in that earlier 開始する,打ち上げる 苦しむd an in-flight 失敗 and fell into the sea off North Korea's east coast, によれば U.S. imagery and 査定/評価s.

にもかかわらず Sunday's 失敗, the North's previous (人命などを)奪う,主張する to have used "標準化するd" 弾頭s has led to worries that it was making 前進 in its 押し進める to develop small and sophisticated 弾頭s to be topped on long-範囲 ミサイルs.

Washington sees North Korea's 追跡 of 核の 武器s and 弾道学の ミサイルs as a 脅し to world 安全 and to its Asian 同盟(する)s, Japan and South Korea. The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, South Korea and other countries have 公約するd to 適用する more 圧力 on the North, but so far nothing has worked to stop Pyongyang's 核の program.

Six-nation 交渉s on 取り去る/解体するing North Korea's 核の program in 交流 for 援助(する) fell apart in 早期に 2009.


Associated 圧力(をかける) writer Ken Thomas 与える/捧げるd to this 報告(する)/憶測.

People watch a TV showing North Korea's missiles during Saturday's military parade in Pyongyang in North Korea, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. The letters on the top read "North Korea fired missile." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

People watch a TV showing North Korea's ミサイルs during Saturday's 軍の parade in Pyongyang in North Korea, at ソウル 鉄道 駅/配置する in ソウル, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. The letters on the 最高の,を越す read "North Korea 解雇する/砲火/射撃d ミサイル." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A TV screen shows file footage of North Korea's ballistic missiles, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. The letters on the top read "N
orth Korea's attempted missile launch failed." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A TV 審査する shows とじ込み/提出する (映画の)フィート数 of North Korea's 弾道学の ミサイルs, at ソウル 鉄道 駅/配置する in ソウル, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. The letters on the 最高の,を越す read "North Korea's 試みる/企てるd ミサイル 開始する,打ち上げる failed." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A visitor walks by a TV showing file footage of a North Korea's ballistic missile launch, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula 
in a show of force. The letters on the top read "North Korea fired a missile." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A 訪問者 walks by a TV showing とじ込み/提出する (映画の)フィート数 of a North Korea's 弾道学の ミサイル 開始する,打ち上げる, at ソウル 鉄道 駅/配置する in ソウル, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. The letters on the 最高の,を越す read "North Korea 解雇する/砲火/射撃d a ミサイル." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

People watch a TV showing North Korea's missiles during Saturday's military parade in Pyongyang in North Korea, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes a
s a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. The letters on the top read "North Korea fired missile." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

People watch a TV showing North Korea's ミサイルs during Saturday's 軍の parade in Pyongyang in North Korea, at ソウル 鉄道 駅/配置する in ソウル, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. The letters on the 最高の,を越す read "North Korea 解雇する/砲火/射撃d ミサイル." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A man watches a TV news showing footage of Saturday's military parade in Pyongyang while reporting North Korea's rocket launch, in Tokyo, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's ea
st coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. The letters on the top read "North Korea's missile might have exploded and failed soon after launch." (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

A man watches a TV news showing (映画の)フィート数 of Saturday's 軍の parade in Pyongyang while 報告(する)/憶測ing North Korea's ロケット/急騰する 開始する,打ち上げる, in Tokyo, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. The letters on the 最高の,を越す read "North Korea's ミサイル might have 爆発するd and failed soon after 開始する,打ち上げる." (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

People walk by a TV news showing a map of North Korea
 with the location of the city of Sinpo while reporting North Korea's rocket launch, in Tokyo, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. The letters on the top read "North Korea's missile might have exploded and failed soon after launch." (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

People walk by a TV news showing a 地図/計画する of North Korea with the 場所 of the city of Sinpo while 報告(する)/憶測ing North Korea's ロケット/急騰する 開始する,打ち上げる, in Tokyo, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. The letters on the 最高の,を越す read "North Korea's ミサイル might have 爆発するd and failed soon after 開始する,打ち上げる." (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

A PAC-3 Patriot missile unit is deployed against the North Korea's missile firing, at the Defense Ministry in Tokyo, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

A PAC-3 愛国者 ミサイル 部隊 is (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd against the North Korea's ミサイル 解雇する/砲火/射撃ing, at the 弁護 省 in Tokyo, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean ミサイル 爆発するd during 開始する,打ち上げる Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean 公式の/役人s said, a high-profile 失敗 that comes as a powerful U.S. 航空機 運送/保菌者 approaches the Korean 半島 in a show of 軍隊. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

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