当局: Ricocheted 弾丸 meant for dog killed teen boy

PALMDALE, Calif. (AP) - 副s opened 解雇する/砲火/射撃 at a 非難する 炭坑,オーケストラ席 bull and one 弾丸 明らかに ricocheted off the ground and killed a 17-year-old boy who had been helping to 抑制する the dog, 当局 said Thursday.

The dog, which belonged to the boy's neighbor, had already bitten one of the 副s and the teen had 抑制するd it behind the apartment コンビナート/複合体 when it broke loose and 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d again, Los Angeles 郡 郡保安官's 公式の/役人s said.

副s 発射 and 負傷させるd the dog when it was about 10 feet (3 メーターs) away, then chased it as it tried to run 支援する behind the building, 公式の/役人s said. Only then did they see that the boy, who had been standing about 40 feet (12 メーターs) away, had also remerged from behind the building and had been 攻撃する,衝突する in the chest by a いわゆる "skip 一連の会議、交渉/完成する" that had ricocheted off the pavement. He died at a hospital about an hour later.

The boy's mother, Roberta Alcantar, said his 指名する was Armando Garcia-Muro, the eldest of four siblings about to start his 上級の year of high school. She said he loved dogs and planned to go into construction.

"He would give his life for anybody," Alcantar told the Los Angeles Times. "He was a very loving person."

郡保安官's Capt. Christopher Bergner called it an "極端に, 極端に unfortunate 出来事/事件," 追加するing that it didn't appear the 副s saw the teen in the dark before they 解雇する/砲火/射撃d.

The 副 that had been bitten was also 攻撃する,衝突する by a fragment that had struck the ground but had only minor 傷害s, 公式の/役人s said. He was not の中で those that 解雇する/砲火/射撃d. Two of the five 副s at the scene 発射 at the dog, 公式の/役人s said.

The 炭坑,オーケストラ席 bull was 逮捕(する)d and animal 支配(する)/統制する planned to euthanize it.

The 副s had first been called to the Palmdale コンビナート/複合体 at about 3:45 a.m. with (民事の)告訴s of a loud party.

郡保安官's 公式の/役人s said in a 声明 and at a news 会議/協議会 that they 設立する 証拠 of several 発射s having ricocheted off the ground, a nd 結論するd that one of those most likely killed the teen.

They did not (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述する その上の, and a message left with one of the 殺人 探偵,刑事s on the 事例/患者 was not すぐに returned.

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