観客 報道によれば 負傷させるd after coach punches window

BOSTON (AP) - Dartmouth College's 長,率いる football coach is わびるing after an assistant coach punched a 圧力(をかける) box window at Harvard Stadium, spreading shards of broken glass on 観客s, after his team fumbled a punt against Harvard.

One 観客 was 報道によれば 負傷させるd in the 出来事/事件 Saturday.

Dartmouth 長,率いる Coach Buddy Teevens 解放(する)d a 声明 after the game 説 Assistant Coach Dion King "let his emotions get the best of him." Teevans said "Dion and Dartmouth Football are terribly sorry for his 活動/戦闘s and any 害(を与える) 原因(となる)d by them."

The Valley News 報告(する)/憶測s that King spoke with police and was not 特記する/引用するd or 逮捕(する)d. King is 推定する/予想するd to 支払う/賃金 for the 損失.

Dartmouth is in Hanover, New Hampshire, and like Harvard, is an Ivy League school.

Harvard won Saturday's game, 25-22.

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