Trump: US hitting ISIS 'much harder' after New York attack

WASHINGTON (AP) - 大統領 Donald Trump said Friday the U.S. 軍の is attacking the Islamic 明言する/公表する group "10 times harder" in 返答 to Tuesday's New York City トラックで運ぶ attack. 公式の/役人s later said the U.S. had 行為/行うd two airstrikes against IS-(v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者d 闘士,戦闘機s in Somalia.

It was not すぐに (疑いを)晴らす whether the Somalia strikes were carried out as presidentially directed 報復 for the トラックで運ぶ attack that killed eight people.

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい New York 攻撃者, Sayfullo Saipov, told 連邦検察局 interrogators that he was 奮起させるd by IS, and Trump wrote in a tweet that the group (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Saipov as "their 兵士."

Trump tweeted: "Based on that, the 軍の has 攻撃する,衝突する ISIS 'much harder' over the last two days. They will 支払う/賃金 a big price for every attack on us!"

Asked about this later, Trump told reporters before he 出発/死d on his Asia trip, "''What we're doing is every time we're attacked from this point 今後 -- and it took place yesterday -- we are hitting them 10 times harder. So when we have an animal do an attack like he did the other day on the west 味方する of Manhattan we are hitting them 10 times harder."

The Somalia attack 伴う/関わるd two airstrikes 夜通し, によれば a U.S. 公式の/役人 who was not 権限を与えるd to discuss the 事柄 公然と and so spoke on 条件 of anonymity. It was the first time the U.S. 軍の has done airstrikes against IS-(v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者d 闘士,戦闘機s in Somalia, where the group is a growing presence.

The 軍の's daily rundown Friday of U.S. and 連合 airstrikes against Islamic 明言する/公表する 的s in Iraq and Syria 報告(する)/憶測d nine strikes in Syria on Thursday and four in Iraq. That is 一貫した with strike levels throughout this week.


Associated 圧力(をかける) 国家の 安全 Writer Robert 燃やすs 与える/捧げるd to this 報告(する)/憶測.

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