Buffalo bishop won't 辞職する over 扱うing of sex 乱用

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - The Roman カトリック教徒 bishop of Buffalo, New York, on Sunday 拒絶するd calls to 辞職する over his 扱うing of 性の 乱用 主張s against priests, 説: the "shepherd does not 砂漠 the flock" in difficult times.

Bishop Richard Malone said he is 任命するing a 仕事 軍隊 of clergy, lay people and "an elected 公式の/役人 or two" to review how 性の 乱用 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs from adults are 扱うd.

The diocese 解放(する)d a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) in March of 42 priests 直面するing sex 乱用 主張s. A Buffalo television 駅/配置する 報告(する)/憶測d last week that Malone 許すd one (刑事)被告 priest to remain in his parish and gave 多重の chances to another who'd been 一時停止するd by the previous bishop.

"I'm profoundly sorry for the 苦痛 this has 原因(となる)d you," Malone said at a Sunday news 会議/協議会. "While nothing I can say to you can 傷をいやす/和解させる the 傷つける of this 悲劇の 違反 of 信用, as bishop I must 延長する my 深く心に感じた 陳謝s."

Malone said the diocese also would create a new office of professional 責任/義務 and 協力する with the 明言する/公表する 弁護士/代理人/検事 general's office and 地元の 検察官,検事s in any 可能性のある 調査.

U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins on Friday called for Malone's 辞職 and asked for such a 調査(する). The 民主党員 said there's "圧倒的な 証拠" Malone "展示(する)d poor leadership and knew about children and others put in 害(を与える)'s way."

A 地元の 国会議員 and a 商売/仕事 leader who serves as a church 助祭 also called on Malone to 辞職する in 最近の days.

WKBW-TV 報告(する)/憶測d that Malone and church leaders let the Rev. Robert Yetter remain as the 牧師 of St. Mary's カトリック教徒 Church in Swormville after three young men (刑事)被告 him of 不適切な touching.

The 駅/配置する 報告(する)/憶測d that the diocese, under Malone, tried to hide (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about Yetter and the other (刑事)被告 priest, the Rev. Art Smith , 含むing 除去するing their 指名するs from a 公然と-解放(する)d 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of credibly (刑事)被告 clergy.

WKBW-TV 報告(する)/憶測d Malone 復帰させるd Smith s oon after ローマ法王 Benedict XVI 任命するd him as bishop in May 2012 and, three years later, 許すd Smith to 治める the Eucharist and hear 自白s にもかかわらず new 主張s he inappropriately touched two young men.

Malone's 前任者, Bishop Edward Kmiec, 初めは 一時停止するd Smith after he 恐らく told a カトリック教徒 school eighth grader "love you" 経由で a Facebook message in 2011.

The 主要な/長/主犯 of the school, St. Mary of the Lake, wrote to the diocese that Smith was "a predator and a groomer" of young children. Students referred to him as "The Creeper."

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