2 逮捕(する)d in 強盗 of California news 乗組員

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) - Two men have been 逮捕(する)d in the 狙撃 of the 安全 guard for a news 乗組員 that was robbed while covering the Oakland teachers' strike, 当局 said Monday.

KPIX said a reporter and a photographer were 集会 interviews Sunday afternoon at the Oakland Library when a car pulled up and two men got out and of them pointed a gun and 需要・要求するd their camera. The 乗組員 降伏するd the 器具/備品 and began walking away.

One of the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs then 発射 the guard, Matt Meredith, in the 脚, the news 駅/配置する said. KPIX reporter Joe Vazquez said on Twitter that the guard, a retired Berkeley police officer, returned 砲火.

Alameda 郡 郡保安官 広報担当者 Sgt. Ray Kelly said a 21-year-old man with several 射撃 負傷させるs went to a hospital after the 出来事/事件. Oakland police 逮捕(する)d the man on 疑惑 of 狙撃 the guard.

Oakland Police spokeswoman Johanna Watson 確認するd Monday two people were 拘留するd and the stolen camera was 回復するd. The guard was 扱う/治療するd at a hospital and 解放(する)d, she said.

強襲,強姦s on 決まりきった仕事 assignments became so commonplace in 最近の years that some television 駅/配置するs have 雇うd 武装した guards to ride with news 乗組員s.

It's not the first time the 駅/配置する has been the 的 of 窃盗. In November 2012, a group of men punched a KPIX カメラマン while he was filming in 前線 of an Oakland high school and fled with his camera while it was still 記録,記録的な/記録するing.

The Associated 圧力(をかける) 一致するd five 強盗s in 2012, two in 2013, three in 2014 and at least three in 2015 加える several 押し込み強盗s of news 乗り物s.

"We don't know what the market is for these cameras," San Francisco Police Sgt. Michael Andraychuk told The Associated 圧力(をかける) in 2015. Even though the cameras can cost 上向き of $50,000 each, it is 専攻するd 器具/備品 that can't be easily sold on the 黒人/ボイコット market, Andraychuk said.

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