US 警告するs Turkey it may lose jets for buying ロシアの system

WASHINGTON (AP) - The 米国防総省 on Friday told Turkey that it is cutting off Ankara's 購入(する) of F-35 闘士,戦闘機 jets if the Turkish 政府 goes ahead with 計画(する)s to buy a ロシアの ミサイル 弁護 system, ratcheting up what has been a 非常に長い, heated 論争 between the two 北大西洋条約機構 同盟(する)s.

In a sharp two-page letter, 事実上の/代理 弁護 長官 Patrick Shanahan said the training of Turkish 操縦するs will end July 31 and Turkey would not be 許すd to take final 所有/入手 of the four F-35 航空機 it bought. Shanahan also 警告するd that Ankara's 購入(する) of the ロシアの system could 妨害する America's 未来 関係 with Turkey, which has been a 批判的な U.S. partner and base for 戦闘 操作/手術s, 含むing for the war in Syria.

"Turkey's 調達 of the S-400 will 妨げる your nation's ability to 高める or 持続する 協調 with the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs and within 北大西洋条約機構," Shanahan said in a letter to Turkish 弁護 大臣 Hulusi Akar that was 解放(する)d Friday. The S-400 購入(する), he 追加するd, will "lead to Turkish 戦略の and 経済的な over-dependence on Russia."

Shanahan also 警告するd that his 決定/判定勝ち(する) to end Turkey's 参加 in the F-35 program could be followed by other U.S. 活動/戦闘s, 説 that members of 議会 support 課すing 許可/制裁s on the Turks. 許可/制裁s, he said, could 脅す 大統領 Donald Trump's かかわり合い to more than 3倍になる U.S. 貿易(する) with Turkey.

Shanahan and other U.S. 弁護 公式の/役人s 強調する/ストレスd that these 決定/判定勝ち(する)s are not irreversible and that 条件s can return to normal if Turkey forgoes the ロシアの system.

The U.S. has 繰り返して 警告するd Ankara that the ロシアの system is considered a 脅し to the F-35, which costs about $90 million per 航空機. But Turkish leaders have moved 刻々と along with the 購入(する), calling it a "done 取引,協定." U.S. 公式の/役人s say Turkey should buy the American 愛国者 ミサイル system instead, but those 交渉s have appeared to make little 進歩.

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan responds to reporters' questions regarding an incident in the East China Sea where an American guided-missile cruiser and a Russian destroyer came within 165 feet (50 meters) of each other, during a meeting with visiting Greek Defense Minister Evangelos Apostolakis at the Pentagon, Friday, June 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

事実上の/代理 国防長官 Patrick Shanahan 答える/応じるs to reporters' questions regarding an 出来事/事件 in the East 中国 Sea where an American guided-ミサイル 巡洋艦 and a ロシアの 破壊者 (機の)カム within 165 feet (50 メーターs) of each other, during a 会合 with visiting Greek 弁護 大臣 Evangelos Apostolakis at the 米国防総省, Friday, June 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Akar told reporters late last month that Turkish 軍の 職員/兵員 are already receiving training on the S-400 and that Ankara was "making 準備s" and "considering all 選択s" against possible U.S. 許可/制裁s on Turkey over the 購入(する).

Turkish leaders 示唆するd last month that they we re talking with the U.S. about a 提案 for the 設立 of a 共同の 委員会 to review the S-400s possible 危険s to the U.S. F-35 program.

But on Friday, Ellen Lord, 弁護 次官 for 取得/買収, said きっぱりと that the U.S. has made it (疑いを)晴らす that "we are not going to discuss technical mitigations to the S-400."

Asked if the U.S. will reimburse Turkey for the four 闘士,戦闘機 jets it bought, Lord said those 詳細(に述べる)s are 存在 worked out. She 追加するd that the fact that the two nations continue to have discussions and 交流 letters on the 事柄 示唆するs that there is a 願望(する) to find a way 今後.

Calling it a "disciplined and graceful 勝利,勝つd 負かす/撃墜する" of Turkey's 参加" in the program, Lord said that the U.S. is already looking for other 請負業者s to produce the more than 900 parts for the 航空機 that are 存在 produced by Turkish companies. She said that some of the parts are for 上陸 gear and fuselage and that moving to other 請負業者s might take until いつか next year.

In his letter, Shanahan said that unless Turkey 捨てるs 計画(する)s to buy the S-400:

- All Turkish 職員/兵員 will have to leave the U.S. by July 31.

- About 30 操縦するs can finish their training on the F-35, but others who have recently begun training or are scheduled to start in the next few months will not be 許すd to continue.

- Turkey will not be 許すd to 参加する in a program 会合 next week.

- 配達/演説/出産 of F-35 構成要素s is 一時停止するd.

Lord said that the U.S. is also 用意が出来ている to take any of those steps sooner if Turkey takes 所有/入手 of the S-400 more quickly.

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