Minor league owner says he'll 会合,会う with 宗教的な leaders

NORWICH, Conn. (AP) - The owner of two minor league baseball teams who had 辞退するd to 会合,会う with a イスラム教徒 civil 権利s group said Friday he will host a 集会 of leaders of さまざまな 約束s.

E. Miles Prentice III said he is committed to 供給するing a welcoming 環境 at baseball games. He is the owner of the 選び出す/独身-A Connecticut Tigers and co-owner of the 二塁打-A Midland (Texas) RockHounds. Prentice did not say who would be 招待するd to the 会合.

His 声明 comes a day after he (刑事)被告 the Connecticut 一時期/支部 of the 会議 on American-Islamic Relations of supporting テロリストs.

The group had sought a 会合 with Prentice after 表明するing 関心 over his 役割 as board chairman of the 中心 for 安全 政策, a 保守的な think 戦車/タンク identified by the Southern Poverty 法律 中心 as an anti-イスラム教徒 hate group.

Prentice said there will never be a 宗教的な 実験(する) for …に出席するing baseball games at ballparks with which he is (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者d.

"After a short, long-planned family vacation next week, I will be 会合 with 影響力のある leaders of さまざまな 約束 communities to 断言する my personal かかわり合い to welcoming and serving all of our fans, irrespective of their 宗教的な beliefs, if any, as we have always done," he said.

Tark Aouadi, the (n)役員/(a)執行力のある director of CAIR, Connecticut, said he has not been 招待するd to any 会合, but would welcome it, as long as イスラム教徒s are 代表するd.

He said the community just wants to make sure hate does not play a 役割 in how people are 扱う/治療するd when they …に出席する baseball games.

"The イスラム教徒 community of Norwich is 関心d that these beliefs could place another pin in the 地図/計画する of 乱すd individuals who might wish to 刺激する death and 破壊 because of their beliefs in white 最高位 and the narrative that has been supported by (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from groups like the 中心 for 安全 政策," he said.

Prentice said Thursday he is not a bigot. But he also said he 反対/詐欺 siders the SPLC "過激な 左派の(人)s" and has no 計画(する)s to 会合,会う with CAIR.

"We see no 公共事業(料金)/有用性, however, to 会合 with, or さもなければ 合法的ing, those who 捜し出す to silence us or are associated with テロリスト organizations like Hamas," he said.

Norwich 市長 Peter Nystrom, a 共和国の/共和党の, said he will help 容易にする the 会合, which he said will 含む イスラム教徒s. He said he has looked at the 中心 for 安全 website and doesn't like some of what is on it, but also does not agree with some of what CAIR has said in the past.

He said the 問題/発行する has been overblown and there has never been 宗教的な 差別 at Dodd Stadium.

"The city owns the stadium," he said. "We celebrate 多様制. We welcome everyone. It's unfortunate that you have 国家の 問題/発行するs 存在 軍隊d 負かす/撃墜する on a 選び出す/独身-A baseball team. Baseball is a 全世界の/万国共通の sport. Everybody plays. Everybody is welcome."

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