Pakistan 拘留するs 15 after ギャング(団) 強姦 of woman on 主要道路

LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistani police said they 拘留するd 15 people for 尋問 on Thursday, after two 武装した men 恐らく ギャング(団) 強姦d a woman in 前線 of her children after her car broke 負かす/撃墜する on a 砂漠d 主要道路.

The 逮捕(する)s followed the 夜通し 出来事/事件 近づく the eastern city of Lahore in which the two men are said to have also stolen cash and 宝石類 from the woman before 逃げるing the scene. 非,不,無 of the 15 was thought to be an 加害者, police said.

The police said the woman had locked her car doors when she ran out of 燃料 but the 攻撃者s broke a car window and dragged her outside where they 強姦d her before her terrified children.

The attack quickly drew 普及した 激しい非難 on social マスコミ, with some 行動主義者s 需要・要求するing that those 伴う/関わるd be hanged in public.

But in a shocking テレビ放送するd 声明, recently 任命するd Lahore police 長,指導者 Umar Sheikh 非難するd the 犠牲者 for traveling alone with her two children after midnight without checking whether her car had enough 燃料. His comment drew 全国的な 激しい非難, although he also 公約するd to 逮捕(する) the rapists within 48 hours.

Musarrat Cheema, a spokesperson in the eastern Punjab 州, said (警察の)手入れ,急襲s were 存在 行為/行うd to find the 犯人s.

総理大臣 Imran 旅宿泊所 office said 保護 of women is a first 優先 and 責任/義務 of the 政府, 追加するing that "such brutality and bestiality cannot be 許すd in any civilized society. Such 出来事/事件s are a 違反 of our social values and a 不名誉 to society."

Human 権利s 行動主義者s 勧めるd the 政府 to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 Sheikh, the police 長,指導者, for his 発言/述べるs.

ギャング(団) 強姦 is rare in Pakistan, although 性の いやがらせ and 暴力/激しさ against women is not uncommon. Nearly 1,000 women are killed in Pakistan each year in いわゆる "栄誉(を受ける) 殺人,大当りs" for 恐らく 侵害する/違反するing 保守的な norms on love and marriage.

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