How Elizabeth became Queen watching 粗野な人間s at sunrise from Kenyan treetops

Princess Elizabeth was watching 粗野な人間s while taking photographs of the Kenyan sunrise from a hotel 始める,決める in the 支店s of a 巨大(な) fig tree when she became Queen.

It was February 6 1952 and the 25-year-old princess and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh were in the African country on a 連邦/共和国 小旅行する.

支援する in the UK, the 病んでいる King George VI died in the 早期に hours of the morning at Sandringham.

Elizabeth and Philip had spent the night at the remote Treetops Hotel, accessible 経由で a ladder, in Aberdare Forest, where they watched 粗野な人間s in the ジャングル.

The princess climbed up to a look-out point at the 最高の,を越す of the tree to see the 夜明け breaking.

The duke’s equerry and friend, マイク Parker, was at the Queen’s 味方する at the look-out when they spotted an eagle hovering 総計費.

“I never thought about it until later but that was 概略で the time when the King died,” he later 解任するd.

Lady Pamela Hicks, who was the Queen’s lady in waiting and also Philip’s cousin, said the Queen and the duke were were “the last people in the world to hear” that King had died.

“She goes up as a princess. The king dies that night. She comes 負かす/撃墜する the ladder as a Queen,” Lady Pamela said.

Secret ciphers were sent by the British 大使館 to the 知事, 発表するing the King’s death, but the coded messages could not be read as the 重要な to the code was どこかよそで.

When the news finally filtered through to 王室の 補佐官s, Elizabeth was 残り/休憩(する)ing later at Sagana 宿泊する, a wedding 現在の from the people of Kenya.

The Queen’s 私的な 長官, ツバメ Charteris, was in the nearby town, having a drink in a restaurant, when a writer approached him and 発言/述べるd on the news.

Returning to the 宿泊する, he told Mr Parker, who はうd into the room where the Queen was at her desk, 動議d to the Duke of Edinburgh and 内密に turned on the 無線で通信する very low to get 確定/確認 but 妨げる the Queen finding out this way .

It 許すd Philip to break the sad news to his wife while they were alone as he took her into the garden, telling her as they walked slowly up and 負かす/撃墜する the lawn.

Lord Charteris remembered seeing the new 君主 seated at her desk in the 宿泊する appearing “very composed, 絶対の master of her 運命/宿命” and ready to fulfil the 役割 for which she had been carefully groomed.

Asked what 指名する she wished to use as Queen, she replied 簡単に: “My own 指名する, of course.”

Just hours later, the 君主 and her consort were on their way 支援する home.

Lord Charteris and Mr Parker had packed up, worked out 時刻表/予定表s, sent a flood of signals, organised a 計画(する) at Entebbe, another from Mombasa to get there, and timed a London airport arrival for 4pm the に引き続いて day.

With the King’s health failing when they had left home, a 王室の 基準 had been stowed in the baggage.

Elizabeth’s 嘆く/悼むing 着せる/賦与するs, waiting for her in Entebbe, were 用意が出来ている for her to wear.

It was dusk on February 7 1952 when a わずかな/ほっそりした, pale 人物/姿/数字, dressed in 嘆く/悼むing 黒人/ボイコット, descended the steps of the jet 定期航空機.

After a long 旅行 home, the young, new Queen 始める,決める foot on English 国/地域 ? the 滑走路 at London airport ? for the first time as 君主.

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