One person dead as crane 落ちるs on to shopping centre in Norway during high 勝利,勝つd

A construction crane 衝突,墜落d の上に a shopping 商店街 in central Norway on Friday まっただ中に strong 勝利,勝つd, 殺人,大当り one person and 負傷させるing at least two others, police said.

The 勝利,勝つd likely 原因(となる)d the 無人の crane, which was at least 165 feet high, to 激突する on to the 小売 中心 in Melhus, which is south of Trondheim, the Scandinavian country’s third-largest city, police 広報担当者 Ebbe Kimo told the VG newspaper.

The crane 崩壊(する) 損失d the second and third 床に打ち倒すs of the building and firefighters were going through it searching for people, said police, 追加するing they were using dogs and a drone.

Police later said that a person 報告(する)/憶測d 行方不明の had been 設立する dead, 追加するing that no one else was 原因不明の/行方不明の(unaccounnted-for) for.

Emergency services at the scene (Gorm Kallestad /NTB Scanpix/AP)

緊急 services at the scene (Gorm Kallestad /NTB Scanpix/AP)

Norwegian マスコミ said there were not many shoppers in the centre at the time of the 崩壊(する), which happened at 9.17am 地元の time.

Those inside, 含むing shop 労働者s, were 避難させるd to the nearby city hall.

地元の newspap er Tronderbladet said the roof inside the shopping centre has 洞穴d in.

The crane was on a building 場所/位置 at the centre, which was を受けるing an 拡大 with new shops and apartments.

The 拡大するd building was 予定 to open in two 行う/開催する/段階s in 2023, によれば the 施設’s web page.

A second crane is on the same 場所/位置 and Norwegian news 機関 NTB said police are looking into 安全な・保証するing other tall 機械/機構 in the area.

Strong 勝利,勝つd were 報告(する)/憶測d across Norway on Friday, によれば the Norwegian 気象の 学校/設ける.

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