King 非難するs `理解できない brutality´ of terror attack in Pakistan

The King has 非難するd a 爆弾 attack in Pakistan which killed more than 100 people as a “野蛮な 強襲,強姦 on our 株d humanity”.

Charles sent his 弔慰s to the country’s 大統領,/社長 Dr Arif Alvi, 表明するing his shock at the “理解できない brutality” and said the people of Pakistan were in his thoughts and 祈りs.

A 自殺 爆撃機 disguised in police uniform 的d a イスラム教寺院 in north-west Pakistan on Monday in the 資本/首都 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 州.

The attack, which killed 101 people and 負傷させるd 225, is one of the deadliest to happen in Peshawar.

Charles wrote: “My wife and I were profoundly shocked by the dreadful 爆弾 attack in Peshawar on Monday.

“Such 行為/法令/行動するs of 理解できない brutality, wherever they occur, are a 野蛮な 強襲,強姦 on our 株d humanity and our values of understanding and compassion.”

He 追加するd: “It is all the more horrific that the 犠牲者s were in a place of worship during afternoon 祈りs.

“We feel most 深く,強烈に for all those who have been so cruelly (死が)奪い去るd and 負傷させるd.

“We 解任する our visit to Pakistan in 2006 with the greatest fondness, and will 持つ/拘留する the people of Pakistan in our special thoughts and 祈りs as you 嘆く/悼む those you have lost.”

The message was 調印するd Charles R.

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