Met Police 表明するs `悔いる´ over 抗議する人 逮捕(する)s ahead of King´s 載冠(式)/即位(式)

Scotland Yard has 表明するd “悔いる” over the 逮捕(する)s of six anti-君主国 抗議する人s ahead of the King’s 載冠(式)/即位(式) after 存在 脅すd with 合法的な 活動/戦闘 when no 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s were brought.

共和国 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Graham Smith said a 長,指導者 視察官 and two other 主要都市の Police officers 本人自身で apologised to him over what he called a “disgraceful episode” after they visited him on Monday evening.

総理大臣 Rishi Sunak had earlier 支援するd the Met over the dozens of 逮捕(する)s of 抗議する人s まっただ中に 関心s they were 割れ目ing 負かす/撃墜する on the 権利 to 抗議する.

London 市長 Sadiq 旅宿泊所 requested “その上の clarity” from Scotland Yard, 説 that the 権利 to 平和的な 抗議する is an integral part of 僕主主義.

The Met 問題/発行するd a 非常に長い defence as it 確認するd Mr Smith and five others have been told they 直面する no その上の 活動/戦闘 after 存在 stopped at 6.40am on Saturday.

The 軍隊 said it had 逮捕(する)d the group using new 力/強力にするs under the much-criticised Public Order 行為/法令/行動する after it was believed items 設立する と一緒に a large number of 掲示s could be used as “lock-on 装置s” to 原因(となる) disrup tion.

The Metropolitan Police has said it regrets arresting six protesters before the coronation (Labour for a Republic/PA)

The 主要都市の Police has said it 悔いるs 逮捕(する)ing six 抗議する人s before the 載冠(式)/即位(式) (労働 for a 共和国/PA)

“Those 逮捕(する)d 明言する/公表するd the items would be used to 安全な・保証する their 掲示s, and the 調査 has been unable to 証明する 意図 to use them to lock on and 混乱に陥れる/中断させる the event,” the 声明 said.

“This evening, all six have had their 保釈(金) cancelled and no その上の 活動/戦闘 will be taken.

“We 悔いる that those six people 逮捕(する)d were unable to join the wider group of 抗議する人s in Trafalgar Square and どこかよそで on the 行列 大勝する.”

Mr Smith said the three officers apologised to him at his home in Reading, Berkshire, before 手渡すing 支援する the ひもで縛るs for the 掲示s they 逮捕(する)d him over.

He told the PA news 機関: “They seemed rather embarrassed, to be honest.

“I said for the 記録,記録的な/記録する I won’t 受託する the 陳謝. We have a lot of questions to answer and we will be taking 活動/戦闘.”

Scotland Yard said 52 of the 64 逮捕(する)s made during its 載冠(式)/即位(式) 操作/手術 on Saturday 関係のある to 関心s individuals were going to 混乱に陥れる/中断させる the pageantry.

So far, four 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s have been brought.

The 軍隊 主張するd its 活動/戦闘 was “的d” at those believed to be “意図 on taking this 活動/戦闘”.

“Any suggestion all 抗議する was 禁じるd is not 訂正する,” it 追加するd.

The 軍隊 定評のある that at least one of the six people 逮捕(する)d while 荷を降ろすing 掲示s from a 乗り物 in St ツバメ’s 小道/航路 had engaged with its 抗議する 連絡事務 team, but said those officers were not 現在の during the 逮捕(する).

“Taking into account the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) that people were 捜し出すing to 本気で 混乱に陥れる/中断させる the event, and the significance of the 安全 操作/手術, officers had been 簡潔な/要約するd to be 極端に vigilant and proactive,” it said.

Mr Smith had told PA the 速度(を上げる) in which they dropped any 活動/戦闘 against the group showed officers were aware “they had made a very serious error of judgment”.

“I’m 明白に relieved they dropped it so quickly but very angry they even went 負かす/撃墜する this road, robbing people of their liberty for 絶対 no 推論する/理由,” he said.

“There was no 証拠 of any ability or 意図 to commit any offence and they 簡単に decided to 逮捕(する) us and that is outrageous.”

Mr Sunak had defended Scotland Yard’s 操作/手術 and 否定するd officers were 事実上の/代理 under 圧力 from 大臣s.

“The police are operationally 独立した・無所属 of 政府, they’ll make these 決定/判定勝ち(する)s based on what they think is best,” he told 放送者s during a visit to Hertfordshire.

“現実に, I’m 感謝する to the police and everyone who played a part in 確実にするing that this 週末 has gone so 井戸/弁護士席, so 首尾よく and so 安全に, that was an 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の 成果/努力 by so many people and I’m 感謝する to them for all their hard work.”

But Mr Smith believed officers had “every 意向” of 逮捕(する)ing デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s and used the ひもで縛るs as a “pre-text” to 拘留する the group under the new 力/強力にするs making locking-on to an 反対する a jailable offence.

労働 ma yor Mr 旅宿泊所 tweeted: “I’ve requested その上の clarity from the Met. While it’s 決定的な the police are able to keep us 安全な, it must be balanced with 保護するing the 権利 to 平和的な 抗議する ? an integral part of 僕主主義.

“Londoners will want swift 安心 any lessons to be learned will be learned.”

Mr Smith raised fresh 関心s about the Public Order 行為/法令/行動する 調印するd into 法律 last week, which tips the balance against 抗議する, 含むing by lowering the 鮮明度/定義 of “serious disruption”.

労働 was not committing to 廃止するing the 行為/法令/行動する にもかかわらず harbouring 関心s about its use.

Ken 沼, 長,率いる of the 主要都市の Police 連合 代表するing officers from the 階級 of constable to 長,指導者 視察官, said police were 事実上の/代理 both 合法の and “impartially”.

“抗議するing can take place in this country but it’s the level to which you want to 成し遂げる that 抗議する that we have to balance and を取り引きする what’s put in 前線 of us impartially. That’s what was done,” he told Today.

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