First 年次の 王室の swan 国勢(人口)調査 of King´s 統治する gets under way

The first Swan Upping of the King’s 統治する is under way ? with Charles’s Swan Marker and his team taking to the River Thames in newly updated uniforms 耐えるing his cypher.

As King, Charles 保持するs the 権利 to (人命などを)奪う,主張する 所有権 of any unmarked mute swan swimming in open waters, though this 権利 is おもに 演習d on 確かな stretches of the Thames.

The Swan Uppers measure one of the birds (Aaron Chown/PA)

The Swan Uppers 手段 one of the birds (Aaron Chown/PA)

Swan Upping is the 年次の 国勢(人口)調査 of the swan 全住民 and the 儀式 is used to count the number of young cygnets, check their health and 確実にする numbers are 持続するd.

The King’s Swan Marker David Barber and his …を伴ってing Swan Uppers of the Vintners’ and Dyers’ livery companies used six 伝統的な 列/漕ぐ/騒動ing skiffs to begin their five-day 旅行 upstream to Abingdon 橋(渡しをする) in Oxfordshire.

It has been a difficult year for swans because of bird flu, Mr Barber said (Aaron Chown/PA)

It has been a difficult year for swans because of bird flu, Mr Barber said (Aaron Chown/PA)

Charles’s 旗s were 飛行機で行くing on the 栄冠を与える boats and his CIIIR cypher was 陳列する,発揮するd on the arm of Mr Barber’s 伝統的な scarlet jacket for the first time ? 同様に as on the 前線 of the red polo shirts worn by some of his assistants.

Mr Barber said the past year has been a “challenging” one for the swans because of the spread of bird flu, but although hundreds of the birds have died, 報告(する)/憶測s of 感染 have fallen in 最近の months.

Cygnets will be weighed and checked (Aaron Chown/PA)

Cygnets will be 重さを計るd and checked (Aaron Chown/PA)

Mr Barber was the late queen’s Swan Marker for 29 years and continues in the 役割 for the 肉親,親類 g.

The 儀式 dates 支援する to the 12th century, when the 所有権 of all unmarked mute swans in Britain was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd by the 栄冠を与える ーするために 確実にする a ready 供給(する) for feasts.

The new insignia for Charles on the jacket of the King´s Swan Marker (Aaron Chown/PA)

The new insignia for Charles on the jacket of the King´s Swan Marker (Aaron Chown/PA)

The 焦点(を合わせる) is now on 自然保護 and education, with 地元の 最初の/主要な school children 招待するd to Q&A 開会/開廷/会期s throughout the week.

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