Britain is 支援する, 主張するs Cameron

David Cameron has 宣言するd that "Britain is 支援する" after 警告 that a fresh 全世界の 経済的な 災害 could be ぼんやり現れるing.

In a speech at the 年次の Norwood dinner in 前線 of Simon Cowell and マスコミ mogul Richard Desmond, the 総理大臣 said that 存在 in Australia for the G20 gave him an 適切な時期 to "反映する on some of the things that make our country 広大な/多数の/重要な".

He said: "I was able to go to Australia and say to my 同僚s, be in no 疑問, Britain is 支援する."

David Cameron has warned a fresh global economic disaster could be looming (AP)

David Cameron has 警告するd a fresh 全世界の 経済的な 災害 could be ぼんやり現れるing (AP)

At the event at Grosvenor House in central London, Mr Cameron told the 1,300-strong (人が)群がる about the G20: "You're at an international 首脳会議 with the biggest and most powerful economies on the 惑星.

"But Britain was 支援する on the 全世界の 行う/開催する/段階 with the fastest-growing economy of any of the 前進するd economies.

"After the difficult 決定/判定勝ち(する)s of 最近の years, we are now home to 記録,記録的な/記録する numbers of new 商売/仕事s.

"We've seen the largest ever 落ちる in 失業 this year, and created more 職業s than the 残り/休憩(する) of the European Union put together."

令状ing in the 後見人 today, Mr Cameron said: "As I met world leaders at the G20 in Brisbane, the problems were plain to see.

"The eurozone is teetering on the brink of a possible third 後退,不況, with high 失業, 落ちるing growth and the real 危険 of 落ちるing prices too.

"現れるing markets, which were the driver of growth in the 早期に 行う/開催する/段階s of the 回復, are now slowing 負かす/撃墜する.

"にもかかわらず the 進歩 in Bali, 全世界の 貿易(する) 会談 have 立ち往生させるd while the 疫病/流行性の of Ebola, 衝突 in the Middle East and Russia's 違法な 活動/戦闘s in ウクライナ共和国 are all 追加するing a dangerous 背景 of 不安定 and 不確定."

Norwood is the UK's largest ユダヤ人の social 福利事業 charity, and this evening Mr Cameron took the 適切な時期 to 誓約(する) his continued support to the ユダヤ人の community.

"No 不一致s on politics or 政策 should ever be 許すd to 正当化する 人種差別主義, prejudice or extremism in any form," he said.

"There is never an excuse for anti-semitism. It destroys that diverse yet strong society that we are proud to have in this country of ours which we all call home.

"And I 約束 you I will fight anti-semitism in this country, wherever it is 設立する," he said.

There is a "dangerous 背景 of 不安定 and 不確定", with 外交の, 人道的な and 経済的な problems around the world, 潜在的に putting the UK's 回復 at 危険 , he said .

Mr Cameron was introduced to the 行う/開催する/段階 by the owner of 表明する Newspapers, Mr Desmond, who is also 大統領,/社長 of Norwood.

The 総理大臣 said Mr Desmond was a "remarkable man" and a "credit to our country".

Mr Cameron referred to the 不安 in the Middle East, and said Britain will stand with イスラエル "every step of the way".

He said: "During the summer Hamas rained 負かす/撃墜する ロケット/急騰するs on イスラエル, built 広範囲にわたる tunnels to 誘拐する and 殺人, and 繰り返して 辞退するd to 受託する 停戦s.

"As 総理大臣 Netanyahu has said: イスラエル uses ミサイル defence to 保護する its 非軍事のs.

"Hamas uses 非軍事のs to 保護する their ミサイルs. There can never be equivalence between the two.

"Like all of you, I long for a 継続している peace in the Middle East.

"I look 今後 to the day when Israeli parents can send their 18-year-old children to university rather than the army.

"But that peace does not start with giving in to テロリストs. It has to be built on the values that make a country successful. And that begins with the 支配する of 法律.

"Of course, the road to peace in the Middle East remains long and challenging. But Britain will stand with イスラエル every step of the way.

"イスラエル is our 同盟(する). イスラエル is our friend. And with me as 総理大臣, that will never change."

Mr Cameron also made 言及/関連 to Islamic 明言する/公表する, or Isil, in his speech.

He said: "Today our 武装した 軍隊s are putting their lives on the li ne once again as part of an international 連合 含むing Arab 明言する/公表するs in support of the Iraqis to 敗北・負かす Isil.

"All of us were sickened by the news yesterday of the 殺人 of another American 人質.

"Isil will be 敗北・負かすd, and these sick and 野蛮な テロリストs will 直面する the 司法(官) they deserve."

In の近くにing 発言/述べるs, Simon Cowell, who was …を伴ってd to the event by his partner Lauren Silverman, 述べるd Norwood as a "fantastic organisation".

Cowell said he only 設立する out his father was ユダヤ人の about 11 years ago. He also referred to the 最新の 禁止(する)d 援助(する) 選び出す/独身, 説: "We were very fortunate last night to have (頭が)ひょいと動く Geldof on the X Factor where we introduced the new 禁止(する)d 援助(する) ビデオ. Within 10 minutes we raised £1 million."

The event was also …に出席するd by Sir Philip Green and Karren Brady.

Cowell said he supported "a lot of charities" every year. "Anything which gives money to kids I like to support," he said.

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