柔軟な work for carers trialled

計画/陰謀s 目的(とする)d at helping the millions of people who juggle work with caring 責任/義務s are to be trialled, 含むing the 昇進/宣伝 of 柔軟な working.

The 政府 is to spend £1.6 million in nine areas of England on support such as volunteers to 緩和する the 圧力 of caring, a system of email 警報s and a "pop-up" centre to help carers 始める,決める up in self-雇用.

大臣 for Women and Equalities, Nicky Morgan said: "Women often find themselves caring for both older 親族s and children. Juggling work and caring can be enormously stressful. These 操縦する 事業/計画(する)s are designed to 実験(する) how that 圧力 can be 緩和するd and 許す people to balance their caring 責任/義務s with their 職業s and families.

Flexible working is being trialled to help carers juggle their responsibilities

柔軟な working is 存在 trialled to help carers juggle their 責任/義務s

"Ca rers who feel 軍隊d to leave their 職業s are a real loss to the 全労働人口 and economy. We want to give people the peace of mind about their loved ones that helps them keep their 職業s."

Care and Support 大臣 Norman Lamb said: "Too many carers find it difficult to balance their important caring 役割s with their work かかわり合いs. This has 高くつく/犠牲の大きい 関わりあい/含蓄s not only for them, but for our 商売/仕事s and economy too."

The 操縦する 場所/位置s are in North Tyneside, Northamptonshire, Cheshire West, Gateshead, Bury, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Staffordshire and Stoke, and Sefton.

More than three million 労働者s have family caring 責任/義務s out of 5.4 million carers in England.

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