David Lammy shrugs off けん責(する),戒告 for 反抗するing Corbyn on Brexit 投票(する)

A 労働 former 大臣 has 解任するd the 非難する on the wrist he received from party enforcers for 反抗するing Jeremy Corbyn over Brexit.

David Lammy was told he has been given a formal written けん責(する),戒告 and 警告するd he was “要求するd to 従う” in the 未来.

But the Tottenham MP said 投票(する)ing against 法律s to start the 過程 of quitting the European Union had been a “事柄 of 良心” and he would “do it again without hesitation”.

He 地位,任命するd on Twitter a copy of the letter he received from 長,指導者 Whip Nick Brown rebuking him for 辞退するing to toe the party line.

Mr Brown wrote: “This letter is a formal written けん責(する),戒告 … time 限られた/立憲的な for six months, for your 失敗 to 従う with the explicit Three Line Whip on the European Union (Notification of 撤退) 法案 ‘and 投票(する) contrary to a 決定/判定勝ち(する) of the 影をつくる/尾行する 閣僚’.

After setting out how Mr Lammy 投票(する)d over the course of the Brexit 法案’s 進歩 through the ありふれたs, he 追加するd: “You are 要求するd to 従う with the whip in the 未来.”

Mr Lammy tweeted: “Just received a formal けん責(する),戒告 from the 長,指導者 Whip. Thanks, but this was a 事柄 of 良心. I would do it again without hesitation.

“And to put the 記録,記録的な/記録する straight the Whips also got it wrong… I 現実に 投票(する)d AYE on 分割 156 for a second 国民投票 on final 取引,協定.”

労働’s disciplinary 過程 was thrown into 大混乱 as MPs 反抗するd the three line whip during the 法案’s ありふれたs 行う/開催する/段階s.

A total of 52 労働 MPs, 含むing 11 frontbenchers and three whips, rebelled against Mr Corbyn’s orders and 投票(する)d against 誘発する/引き起こすing Article 50.

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