Three 刑務所,拘置所d over 致命的な stabbing at university in 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over `dirty look´

Three young men have been 刑務所,拘置所d for 殺人,大当り a student outside his halls of 住居 in a trivial 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over a dirty look.

Djojo Nsaka, 19, and two friends were returning to their digs at Middlesex University in Wembley, north London, when they were attacked in the 早期に hours of the morning.

The father-of-one tried to 静める the 状況/情勢 but was stabbed in the chest and 崩壊(する)d in a pool of 血 as his friends ran off. The 法廷,裁判所 heard he was killed because of the “二塁打 stupidity” of “making something out of nothing” and carrying knives.

Lady Justice, holding scales and a sword, on top of the Old Bailey

Lady 司法(官), 持つ/拘留するing 規模s and a sword, on 最高の,を越す of the Old Bailey

検察官,検事 Willam Boyce QC told the 陪審/陪審員団: “It had gone from pulling a 直面する to, ‘I am going to kill him, bring him outside’, within the course of a day. And before another day had elapsed they had done just that ? they had killed one of the boys.”

After two and a half days of 審議s, an Old Bailey 陪審/陪審員団 設立する Donald Davies and Mukeh Kawa, both 21, from Colindale, north London, 有罪の of 殺人. The pair were 刑務所,拘置所d for life with a 最小限 of 26 years. Their co-(刑事)被告 Ali Tas, 21, also from Colindale, was (疑いを)晴らすd of 殺人 but 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of 過失致死 and 宣告,判決d to seven and a ha lf years.

The 法廷,裁判所 heard how Mr Nsaka started a course at Middlesex University in September and lived in halls of 住居 with Daniel Tamfuri and Chris Bonda. On January 18, the three friends were walking through the university when one of the 被告s, Kawa, passed by and gave Mr Tamfuri a “screw-直面する” look, 賠審員s heard.

Djojo Nsaka was killed close to Wembley Stadium

Djojo Nsaka was killed の近くに to Wembley Stadium

The next day, they asked a 女性(の) friend of Kawa’s why he 星/主役にするd at them 怒って and she (刑事)被告 Mr Tamfuri of giving him the “screw-直面する” 表現. He told her to tell Kawa he should “be humble” and she replied in sarcastic トンs: “Don’t worry, I will tell him,” 賠審員s heard.

The friends were out in Camden when the 被告s arrived at the halls to have it out with them, 賠審員s were told. A 安全 guard 排除する/(飛行機などから)緊急脱出するd the men and overheard one of them tell Mr Tamfuri’s girlfriend: “I don’t (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 girls, bring your boyfriend. I’m gonna kill him, bring him outside.” As they left, one of them shouted: “Watch, watch, watch,” the 法廷,裁判所 heard.

The three students returned at about 1am and were approached by the three men in a dark green Rover car. The driver, Tas, shouted: “Humble who, humble whom, what you 説?” He punched Mr Bonda in the 直面する and Kawa produced a large knife from the waistband of his trou sers and tried to を刺す him with it, the 法廷,裁判所 heard. Mr Bonda saw a third man, matching the description of Davies, also produce a knife.

The 犠牲者 shouted to them to stop, 説 “許す it”, but Kawa continued 説 “humble who?” Mr Nsaka threw a traffic 反対/詐欺 at the men but was left behind as his friends ran 支援する into the halls of 住居, the 法廷,裁判所 heard.

A 隣人 saw him 崩壊(する) on the ground in a pool of 血 as the three men got 支援する into the car. He was pronounced dead just before 2am.

に引き続いて the 有罪の判決s, Mr Nsaka’s family said they struggled to under stand how their loved one who was “not a 闘士,戦闘機” could have been killed. They said in a 声明 that he had a “heart of gold and never held any grudges” and was at university because he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to “better himself”.

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