犠牲者s of Troubles 発表する 計画(する)s for Belfast march

犠牲者s of the Northern Ireland Troubles have 発表するd 計画(する)s for a 集まり march in Belfast to 需要・要求する 活動/戦闘 on 立ち往生させるd political 成果/努力s to を取り引きする the 遺産/遺物 of the 衝突.

A number of groups 代表するing 親族s (死が)奪い去るd in different 致命的な 出来事/事件s have come together under the 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する “Time for Truth” and 勧めるd people to join their 抗議する on February 25.

Their call comes まっただ中に 現在進行中の political 行き詰まらせる on 提案するd new 機械装置s to を取り引きする the past.

An 独立した・無所属 police 調査 部隊; a truth and 回復 団体/死体; and 増加するd 基金s for 検死官s’ 検死s and Police Ombudsman 調査(する)s are all on ice 予定 to the 欠如(する) of 合意 at Stormont.

遺産/遺物 is one of the 重要な 問題/発行するs at the heart of the powersharing 危機 in Northern Ireland, with 地元の 政治家,政治屋s and the UK and Irish 政府s under 開始するing 圧力 from 犠牲者s to 行為/法令/行動する.

発表するing the march, Emma Rogan, whose father Adrian was 発射 dead in the UVF Loughinisland 大虐殺 in Co 負かす/撃墜する in 1994, said the truth cost nothing.

“I am calling on everyone to come out, put your feet on the streets and march with us,” she said.

“団結, everybody together sending a strong (疑いを)晴らす message that we deserve and we need the truth.

“It’s human decency that people would get the truth and know what happened to their loved ones and know why.”

Emma Rogan, whose father Adrian Rogan was killed in the 1994 Loughinisland pub shooting (Brian Lawless/PA)

Emma Rogan, whose father Adrian Rogan was killed in the 1994 Loughinisland pub 狙撃 (Brian Lawless/PA)

She 追加するd: “I was eight years old when my father was 殺人d. He was 34, not much older than I am now.

“For him and his memory, and for his 遺産/遺物, I 要求する the truth and I need the truth for him.

“He was afforded no dignity in his death. He lay dying along with five other men on a pub 床に打ち倒す in ’94 while they watched the World Cup.

“The truth costs nothing, the truth belongs to everybody.”

The 大多数 of 犠牲者s that have come together in the new group were (死が)奪い去るd through 現体制支持者/忠臣 議会の or 明言する/公表する 暴力/激しさ.

At the 開始する,打ち上げる event, John Teggart, whose father Danny was killed by 兵士s in Ballymurphy in west Belfast in 1971, 拒絶するd the suggestion the march would only 代表する one 味方する of the community.

“It is open to all families irrespective of their backgrounds who lost loved ones or who were 負傷させるd in the 衝突,” he said.

“We are calling on all sections of society to support the Time for Truth march, the 追跡 of the truth is a 事柄 for all society.

“This covers all walks of life ? all 犠牲者s under the one 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道する.”

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