Hundreds of people a day やめる 職業s to care for loved ones, 研究 示唆するs

More than 600 people a day are leaving 職業s to care for older and 無能にするd 親族s, 選挙運動者s have 警告するd.

Carers UK says the 人物/姿/数字 has 増加するd by more than 10% in six years, 原因(となる)ing the number of people who have given up work to care to 殺到する to 2.6 million.

Nearly half a million 労働者s have left their 職業s to look after loved ones in the last two years alone, the charity’s 研究 示唆するs.

It also 示すd that one in seven 労働者s are now juggling their paid 職業 with caring, 場内取引員/株価 a “劇の” rise in 最近の years.

The charity is calling for the 政府 to introduce statutory care leave that it says could save the UK economy billions of 続けざまに猛撃するs a year.

Helen Walker, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Carers UK, said the need to help 労働者s who also care for loved ones was a moral 必要物/必要条件, 同様に as 財政上の.

People are being forced to leave their jobs to care for elderly and disabled relatives, a charity has warned (Yui Mok/PA)

People are 存在 軍隊d to leave their 職業s to care for 年輩の and 無能にするd 親族s, a charity has 警告するd (Yui Mok/PA)

She said: “Better workplace support for people juggling paid work with caring for a loved one is becoming an ますます important issu e, with a growing need for 雇用者s to 改善する 柔軟性 and, with an ageing 全住民, support people to keep working for longer, 与える/捧げるing to better 生産性.

“With 15% of the 全住民 now working and caring, there is a real social and 経済的な imperative for UK 商売/仕事s to 可決する・採択する carer friendly workplaces.”

The charity is calling on the 政府 to 改善する 条件s for people juggling work and care by introducing a new 権利 of five to 10 days of paid care leave.

UK companies could save up to £4.8 billion a year in unplanned absences and a その上の £3.4 billion in 改善するd 従業員 retention, Carers UK said.

Ms Walker said: “適する care and support services are also a 重要な 条件 for many people’s 雇用 so it’s more important than ever that the 政府’s 来たるべき social care 提案s 配達する the high 質 and affordable care services we need now and in the 未来.”

The charity’s 研究 compared results from a 投票 of nearly 4,300 adults by YouGov with a 類似の 調査する carried out in 2013 and analysed other data.

It 示すd:

? The number of those juggling work and care is around 4.87 million, compared to 3 million in the 国勢(人口)調査 2011.

? The number of people giving up work to care has 増加するd from 2.3 million in 2013 to 2.6 million ? nearly a 12% 増加する.

? The number of adults 減ずるing working hours ーするために care has fallen from nearly 3 million in 2016 to just over 2 million ? a 落ちる of a third.

? Those 説 that 未払いの caring had 衝撃d negatively on their paid work has dropped from 10% in 2013 to 7%, 示唆するing that 対策 to support carers have been working for some in the workplace.

? Women were more likely to say caring had a 消極的な 衝撃 on their work (9%).

? Paid care leave of at least five days per year could save the UK economy around £3.5 billion a year.

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