Bradley (刑事)被告 of emotional ゆすり,恐喝 over 補償(金) for 乱用 犠牲者s

The 国務長官 is emotionally ゆすり,恐喝ing 生存者s of 乱用 in Northern Ireland, a 選挙運動者 has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

Jon McCourt choked 支援する 涙/ほころびs as he (刑事)被告 Karen Bradley of 延期するing 補償(金) 支払い(額)s to those 害(を与える)d while in 会・原則s run by 宗教的な orders or the 明言する/公表する.

Stormont’s main parties reached 協定 on four questions 含むing 増加するing the 最小限 payout to those who 苦しむd from £7,500 to £10,000.

Eleven extra queries were later raised which will have to be 演説(する)/住所d. The DUP 予報するd this would be within two days.

There could follow a 非常に長い 法律を制定する 過程 at Westminster 予定 to the 中断 of Stormont powersharing.

Mrs Bradley 主張するd she was committed to 解決するing the 問題/発行するs as soon as possible but needed answers to “根底となる” questions.

Mr McCourt said: “It is a form of emotional ゆすり,恐喝. And it doesn’t just 傷つける us, because we are the people who had to listen to it, I know there will be people who will be 傷つける by what we are 配達するing to them today.

“All I can do and all we can do is say we are fighting the best fight we can, we’ll take them on, we’ll take it to the end but, unfortunately, we have no idea when that end is going to be.

“By the time we get there we won’t have as many people as we have today.”

Jon McCourt (Liam McBurney/PA)

Jon McCourt (Liam McBurney/PA)

補償(金) 支払い(額)s, a public 陳謝, a 記念の at Stormont and specialist care for 犠牲者s were の中で 推薦s made by retired 裁判官 Sir Anthony Hart.

He led a public 調査 into 主張s of physical, 性の and emotional 乱用 at 居住の homes runs by 宗教的な orders or the 明言する/公表する since the 創立/基礎 of Northern Ireland almost a century ago.

Mr McCourt grew up in St Joseph’s Termonbacca カトリック教徒 children’s home in Londonderry, where he said he was beaten by 修道女s for 存在 left-手渡すd.

He leads the 生存者s North West group and?said Mrs Bradley 支配するd out 暫定的な 支払い(額)s for older 乱用 犠牲者s and those with 終点 illnesses.

Margaret McGuckin, from 犠牲者s’ (選挙などの)運動をする group SAVIA, said she had been “粉々にするd” by an 主張 by Mrs Bradley that the 法律制定 could take two years.

“This can is 存在 kicked 負かす/撃墜する the road その上の yet again,” she said.

“I know what they are up to. They are waiting still on the parties getting 支援する together.”

補償(金) 支払い(額)s recommended by the Stormont-(売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d Hart 調査 have been on ice for two and a half years 予定 to the 崩壊(する) of the devolved 会・原則s, and Mrs Bradley has been under 開始するing 圧力 to 許可/制裁 the 優れた cash.

直面するing calls to 辞職する by 乱用 生存者s, last week she 誓約(する)d to 立法者 at Westminster but only once 根底となる questions about the 是正する 計画/陰謀 were answered by the Stormont parties.

They surrounded the level of 補償(金) for families of 死んだ 犠牲者s, he make-up of a 是正する パネル盤 and who should be able to 適用する for 是正する.

The parties 明確に表すd a 共同の 返答 and 現在のd it to the 政府 on Monday ahead of a 一連の会議、交渉/完成する-(米)棚上げする/(英)提議する 会合 with Mrs Bradley.

Her later 介入 with extra questions was 非難するd by Sinn Fein as a 延期するing 手段.

The party’s Stormont leader Michelle O’Neill said: “I think it’s just not good enough.

“If there are 15 questions, why do we need to wait for Karen Bradley to decide to 解放(する) the questions?”

Mrs Bradley said she was?感謝する that the party leaders (機の)カム together and 演説(する)/住所d some 優れた questions but there were more to be answered.

“Because I want to see 是正する for those 犠牲者s of historical institutional 乱用 as quickly as possible and we need those 根底となる questions to be answered.”

She 追加するd: “I understand why feelings are so strong on this 問題/発行する and that’s why I want to?確実にする 犠牲者s and 生存者s of 乱用 get the 是正する they deserve?as quickly as possible.

“They have been wronged and let 負かす/撃墜する by the system too many times, and I want to make sure it doesn’t happen to them again.

“The system needs to be fair, 強健な and able to 配達する for 犠牲者s and 生存者s.”

Her 公式の/役人s will 会合,会う Sir Anthony on Tuesday.

Ulster Unionist leader コマドリ Swann said it was a disappointing 立ち往生させるing 手段, while 国家主義者?SDLP leader Colum Eastwood (刑事)被告 Mrs Bradley of “disgraceful behaviour”.

“This has been a mess, it has been a total mess.”

DUP 議会 member Edwin Poots said the 返答 to the extra questions would be 解決するd within the next 48 hours.

He 追加するd that 法律制定 could take at least a year to go through Westminster then six months to 設立する a 是正する パネル盤.

He 追加するd: “In the absence of Stormont 存在 設立するd, 犠牲者s should not be used as a 乱打するing 押し通す or some sort of pawns in the 過程.”

同盟 Party 副 leader Stephen Farry said the 政府 was “転換ing goalposts”.

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