Billions of 飛行機で行くing ants 選ぶd up on 衛星 imaging

A cloud of 飛行機で行くing ants that 攻撃する,衝突する the south coast on Wednesday was so dense it could be seen in 衛星 images from space.

The 群れている of insects 攻撃する,衝突する the 郡s of Hampshire, West Sussex and Dorset and were 逮捕(する)d on the Met Office’s レーダ.

They were also spotted in East Sussex and Kent.

The 天候 was perfect for ants to move into the “nuptial flight” 段階 of their reproduction, also known as “飛行機で行くing ant day” ? where virgin queen ants are followed by male ants hoping to mate.

As the queen 始める,決めるs off, she 放出するs pheromones that attract the males.

But when they follow her she will 逃げる, meaning only the strongest are able to keep up and mate with her.

This year´s `flying ant day´ saw swarms so dense they could be picked up in satellite images from space (Adam Davy/PA)

This year´s `飛行機で行くing ant day´ saw 群れているs so dense they could be 選ぶd up in 衛星 images from space (Adam Davy/PA)

The 過程 helps to make sure her offspring are as fit as they can be.

A Met Office spokesperson said the ants showed up on their image as a にわか雨s of rain because “the レーダ thinks the beams are hitting raindrops not ants”.

It may have seemed like it was 現実に?raining ants because male ants who have 首尾よく mated shed their wings and 落ちる to the ground where they will start new 植民地s.

飛行機で行くing ants are mostly 害のない to humans, but they do have a strange 影響 on seagulls who can appear drunk after eating a few 予定 to formic 酸性の they 追放する.

A 飛行機で行くing ant day usually occurs when a (一定の)期間 of wet 天候 is followed by hot 湿気の多い 天候.

Although referred to as a day, the mating ritual can last for several weeks in high summer.

By the end, billions of ants will have taken to the skies.

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