最高の,を越す US 知能 公式の/役人 to leave 役割 after Trump 衝突/不一致s

US director of 国家の 知能 Dan Coats is to leave his 職業 next month after a two-year 任期 示すd by Donald Trump’s 正規の/正選手 衝突/不一致s with 知能 公式の/役人s.

Mr Trump tweeted on Sunday that the nation’s 最高の,を越す 知能 公式の/役人 would step aside on August 15 and that he would 指名する a Texas 下院議員, 共和国の/共和党の John Ratcliffe, to the 地位,任命する.

Mr Coats frequently appeared out of step with Mr Trump and 公表する/暴露するd to 検察官,検事s how he was 勧めるd by the 大統領,/社長 to 公然と 否定する any link between Russia and the Trump (選挙などの)運動をする.

John Ratcliffe has been nominated for the top intelligence role (Andrew Harnik/AP)

John Ratcliffe has been 指名するd for the 最高の,を越す 知能 役割 (Andrew Harnik/AP)

The frayed 関係 反映するd broader 分割s between the 大統領,/社長 and the 政府’s 知能 機関s.

Mr Ratcliffe is a たびたび(訪れる) Trump defender who questioned special counsel Robert Mueller last week during a House 司法の 委員会 審理,公聴会.

Mr Coats’s public, and いつかs personal, 不一致s with Mr Trump over 政策 and 知能 含むd ロシアの 選挙 干渉,妨害 and North Korean 核の 能力s.

Mr Trump has been 懐疑的な of the nation’s 知能 機関s, which 刺激するd his 怒らせる by conc luding that Russia 干渉するd in the 2016 大統領の 選挙 with the goal of getting him elected.

A former 共和国の/共和党の 上院議員 from Indiana, Mr Coats was 任命するd director of 国家の 知能 in March 2017, becoming the fifth person to 持つ/拘留する the 地位,任命する since it was created in the wake of the September 11 2001 attacks to 監督する and 調整する the nation’s 17 知能 機関s.

Mr Coats had been の中で the last of the seasoned 外交政策 手渡すs in to surround the 大統領,/社長 after his 2016 victory, of whom the 大統領,/社長 刻々と grew tired as he 伸び(る)d more personal 信用/信任 in Oval Office, 公式の/役人s said.

They 含むd Defence 長官 Jim Mattis and 国務長官 Rex Tillerson, and later 国家の 安全 助言者 HR McMaster.

Mr Coats developed a 評判 inside the 行政 for sober 贈呈s to the 大統領,/社長 of 知能 結論s that occasionally 否定するd Mr Trump’s 政策 目的(とする)s.

His 出発 had been rumoured for months, and 知能 公式の/役人s had been 推定する/予想するing him to leave before the 2020 大統領の (選挙などの)運動をする season reached its 頂点(に達する).

Mr Trump’s 告示 that Mr Coats would be leaving (機の)カム days after Mr Mueller’s public 証言 on his two-year 調査 into ロシアの 選挙 干渉,妨害 and 可能性のある obstruction of 司法(官) by Mr Trump, which 公式の/役人s said both emboldened and infuriated the 大統領,/社長.

Mr Coats had been の中で the least 明白な of the 大統領,/社長’s 上級の 行政 公式の/役人s but, in his 限られた/立憲的な public 外見s, 繰り返して seemed at 半端物s with the 行政, 含むing about Russia.

For instance, he 明らかにする/漏らすd to Mr Mueller’s 捜査官/調査官s how Mr Trump, angry over 調査s into links between his (選挙などの)運動をする and Russia, tried unsuccessfully in March 2017 to get him to make a public 声明 反駁するing any 関係.

“Coats 答える/応じるd that the Office of the Director of 国家の 知能 (ODNI) has nothing to do with 調査s and it was not his 役割 to make a public 声明 on the Russia 調査,” Mr Mueller’s 報告(する)/憶測 said.

Mr Trump later called Mr Coats to complain about the 調査 and how it was 影響する/感情ing the 政府’s 外交政策. Mr Coats told 検察官,検事s he 答える/応じるd that the best thing to do was to let the 調査 take its course.

In February, he 公然と cast 疑問 on the prospects of 説得するing North Korea to end its 核の 武器s programme にもかかわらず the 外交の 成果/努力s of the 行政, which has touted its outreach to the 孤立するd country as one of its most important 外交政策 業績/成就s.

Mr Coats, in 証言 to 議会 as part of the 年次の 国家の 知能 査定/評価, said North Korea would be “ありそうもない” to give up its 核の 武器s or its ability to produce them because “its leaders 最終的に 見解(をとる) 核の 武器s as 批判的な to 政権 生き残り”.

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