River safety 警告 on 30th 周年記念日 of Marchioness 災害

The chances of an older 大型船 生き残るing a 衝突/不一致 on the River Thames have not 意味ありげに 改善するd since the Marchioness 災害 30 years ago, the Port of London 当局 (PLA) has 警告するd.

Fifty-one young people died when the 楽しみ boat Marchioness, packed with partygoers, 衝突する/食い違うd with the dredger Bowbelle in central London in the 早期に hours of August 20 1989.

PLA 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある コマドリ Mortimer said the 悲劇 led to a 一連の safety 改良s on the Thames but little has been done to 減ずる the 危険 of older boats 沈むing after a 衝突,墜落.

He told the PA news 機関: “There’s a whole bunch of 対策 in place to 減ずる the like lihood of a 衝突/不一致 occurring.

“The 関心 we’ve got is that the 衝撃 味方する of the 危険 is still 公正に/かなり 類似の for older 大型船s because the 大型船 itself hasn’t changed.”

Flashing lights on 橋(渡しをする)s and a system for 跡をつけるing river traffic are の中で steps taken to 減ずる 衝突,墜落s on the river since the 災害.

“If all of those 対策 don’t work 効果的に and there is a 衝突/不一致 then the consequences could still be very serious,” Mr Mortimer said.

The PLA is 責任がある 監督するing navigational safety on the Thames.

(PA Graphics)

(PA Graphics)

Mr Mortimer is supporting a 提案 by the 海上の and Coastguard 機関 to 施行する safety 推薦s made に引き続いて the Marchioness 悲劇, which could stop some older 大型船s from sailing on the Thames.

に引き続いて a public 調査 into the 事故, Lord 司法(官) Clarke published a 報告(する)/憶測 in 2001 明言する/公表するing that older boats should not have an open-ended 除外 from modern safety 基準s.

Modern 大型船s have several compartments below the water line to 減ずる the 見込み and 速度(を上げる) of them 沈むing if they start to flood after an 事故, but many older boats are not 要求するd to 生き残る even minor 損失.

Mr Mortimer 受託するd it is too expensive or impractical for some older 大型船s to be adapted to 会合,会う tougher 規則s.

The Marchioness being raised from the river (PA)

The Marchioness 存在 raised from the river (PA)

“It’s not us taking a position because we don’t like these boats,” he said. “It’s because there’s good data to show that 出来事/事件s happen and there’s a big 危険 if one happened to an older 大型船.”

Since January 2010 there have been 35 衝突/不一致s on the Thames 伴う/関わるing 大型船s built before 1992.

In 2008 a modern boat which 苦しむd an eight-foot gash after 衝突,墜落ing into Westminster 橋(渡しをする) stayed afloat as flooding was 含む/封じ込めるd to a 選び出す/独身 compartment.

Mr Mortimer 警告するd that if the 出来事/事件 featured an older 大型船 “it 潜在的に would have sunk and there could have been a serious number of 死傷者s”.

Most of those onboard the Marchioness were high flyers from the 財政/金融 and fashion worlds.

The 犠牲者s 含むd Francesca Dallaglio, 19, the sister of former England rugby captain Lawrence Dallaglio.

Those who lost their lives will be remembered in a 徹夜 on Monday night.

A 行列 will leave Southwark Cathedral and make its way to Bankside, の近くに to the 事故 場所/位置.

生存者s and families of the 犠牲者s will speak at a short service led by the Bishop of Southwark.

Attendees are 招待するd to bring natural petals to throw into the water and carry a candle in a jar.

楽しみ boats and 大型船s belonging to the poli ce, 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and 救助(する), the 王室の 国家の Lifeboat 学校/設ける and the PLA will gather on the river.

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