Hopes of saving Thomas Cook `わずかな/ほっそりした´ after 非常に長い 会談

Prospects for saving travel 巨大(な) Thomas Cook are わずかな/ほっそりした, によれば sources.

決定的な 会談 目的(とする)d at 妨げるing the holiday 会社/堅い going out of 商売/仕事 were held throughout Sunday まっただ中に 恐れるs that tens of thousands of holidaymakers will be 立ち往生させるd.

Unions 代表するing Thomas Cook staff have 勧めるd the 政府 to 介入する.

Foreign 長官 Dominic Raab has 保証するd the 会社/堅い’s worried 顧客s that contingency planning is in place in the event the 商売/仕事 cannot be saved.

Dominic Raab has said holidaymakers will not be left stranded abroad (Victoria Jones/PA)

Dominic Raab has said holidaymakers will not be left 立ち往生させるd abroad (Victoria Jones/PA)

Brian Strutton, general 長官 of the British 航空機による 操縦するs 協会, said: “Thomas Cook staff are going through hell as their 暮らしs are put on the line; they have no idea if they will wake up tomorrow with a 職業 or not.

“Their dignity in carrying on working for Thomas Cook 顧客s under this 圧力 is a credit to them.”

Thomas Cook Group 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Dr Peter Fankhauser remained tight-lipped as he 現れるd from a day-long 会合 on Sunday after 交渉するing with creditors in a final 企て,努力,提案 to save the 会社/堅い.

He would not comment on whether a 取引,協定 had bee n reached or if the 会社/堅い would consider approaching the 政府 for a taxpayer-基金d bailout.

Thomas Cook chief executive officer Peter Fankhauser remained tight-lipped (ITV/PA)

Thomas Cook 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある officer Peter Fankhauser remained tight-lipped (ITV/PA)

He also 辞退するd to say anything to Thomas Cook’s 顧客s as he walked out of the service 出口 of City 法律 会社/堅い Latham & Watkins, in Bishopsgate, central London, surrounded by 同僚s.

The 財政上の Times 引用するd two 匿名の/不明の sources ? one の近くに to the 交渉s and another 伴う/関わるd in the 再編成 取引,協定 ? who said the 救助(する) 成果/努力s were ありそうもない to 後継する.

The travel company is on the brink of 落ちるing into 行政 unless it finds £200 million in extra 基金s, with the 職業s of 22,000 staff 世界的な at 火刑/賭ける, 含むing 9,000 in the UK.

Mr Raab tried to 鎮圧する 恐れるs the 崩壊(する) would leave up to 150,000 UK holidaymakers 立ち往生させるd abroad, 主張するing contingency planning is place.

Thomas Cook 安心させるd 顧客s on Sunday that their flights and holidays are operating as normal and that “we are working on recapitalisation 計画(する)s”.

But many, 含むing couples planning to get married abroad, were left in limbo, not knowing whether their holidays will still go ahead.

Lor na Clark, 33, and her fiance, Paul Ruckledge, who is in his 40s, are 予定 to 飛行機で行く from Manchester to Paphos, Cyprus on September 30.

Ms Clark’s sister-in-法律 Sarah Cooper, 35, said: “She’s just in an 絶対の panic. There’s nothing we can do until we find out for 限定された if they’ve gone 破産した/(警察が)手入れする. It’s just horrendous really.”

Thomas Cook said it would not be sending any more tourists to the Les Orangers beach 訴える手段/行楽地 in the town of Hammamet, 近づく Tunis, after (民事の)告訴s the hotel was 辞退するing to let guests leave while 需要・要求するing extra money.

Ryan 農業者, from Leicestershire, told BBC 無線で通信する Five’s Stephen Nolan the hotel had on Saturday afternoon 召喚するd all guests who were 予定 to leave to go to 歓迎会 “to 支払う/賃金 付加 料金s, 明白に because of the 状況/情勢 with Thomas Cook”.

With many tourists 辞退するing to 支払う/賃金 on the grounds they had already paid, 安全 guards were keeping the hotel’s gates shut, 辞退するing to 許す guests out, or let new 訪問者s enter.

“We can’t leave the hotel. I’d 述べる it as 正確に/まさに the same as 存在 held 人質,” Mr 農業者 said.

Thomas Cook told one 顧客 on Twitter: “A small number of 顧客s were asked to 支払う/賃金 for their hotel room before leaving Les Orangers in Tunisia yesterday, we have refunded those 顧客s who paid on their credit cards.”

The 輸送(する) 給料を受けている Staffs 協会 (TSSA), which 代表するs 労働者s at the company, said the 政府 should be ready to 補助装置 with “real 財政上の support”.

General 長官 Manuel Cortes called for the 政府 to 明らかにする/漏らす how much it is 用意が出来ている to spend 本国に送還するing thousands of Thomas Cook holidaymakers.

It is understood that Thomas Cook has approached the 政府 in an 試みる/企てる to plug a gap in its 基金ing.

A 政府 広報担当者 said: “We recognise it’s a worrying time for holidaymakers and 従業員s.

“The 財政上の circumstances of individual 商売/仕事s are a 商業の 事柄, but the 政府 and the Civil 航空 A uthority are 監視するing the 状況/情勢 closely.”

部隊 (刑事)被告 the 政府 of leaving 労働者s and 顧客s “high and 乾燥した,日照りの” while 上陸 taxpayers with a 法案 for hundreds of millions of 続けざまに猛撃するs.

部隊 代表するs nearly 3,000 cabin 乗組員 and engineers at Thomas Cook’s 航空機による.

General 長官 Len McCluskey said: “News of the needless 崩壊(する) of Thomas Cook is 破滅的な for the 全労働人口 and 顧客s. Thomas Cook 航空機によるs was a profitable and viable 操作/手術 with a loyal 全労働人口.

“Instead of stepping in and giving Thomas Cook the breathing space it needed to 再編する its 財政/金融s, the 政府’s ‘do nothing’ 態度 has left 労働者s and 顧客s high and 乾燥した,日照りの while 上陸 taxpayers with a 法案 of hundreds of millions of 続けざまに猛撃するs.

“部隊 will be 会合 the 行政官/管理者 and giving our members 最大限 support while working to match Thomas Cook 航空機による 労働者s with other 航空機によるs that have vacancies.

“部隊 will also be 開始する,打ち上げるing 合法的な 活動/戦闘 on に代わって of our members over a 失敗 to 協議する on the redundancies that have resulted from the 会社/堅い’s 崩壊(する).”

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