殺人 (刑事)被告 否定するs `冷笑的な 嘘(をつく)´ to cover up sound of Pc dragged to death

A 十代の少年少女 has 否定するd concocting a “冷笑的な 嘘(をつく)” to cover up what he knew of Pc Andrew Harper 存在 dragged to his death behind his car.

Pc Harper was pulled behind a Seat Toledo for more than a mile after becoming entangled in a 牽引する rope, the Old Bailey heard.

The driver, Henry Long, 19, was going at 速度(を上げる)s of some 42mph along country 小道/航路s, swerving from 味方する to 味方する, in an 試みる/企てる to dislodge him, it is 申し立てられた/疑わしい.

In his 証拠, Long 否定するd seeing or 審理,公聴会 the officer or 存在 警報d by his 乗客s Jessie Cole and Albert Bowers, 老年の 18, that he was there.

However, でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるs from (映画の)フィート数 taken from Pc Harper’s patrol car appeared to show Cole turn に向かって the officer before he jumped into the car after unhooking a stolen quad bike.

Cross 診察するing Long, Jonathan Laidlaw QC said: “I’m going to 示唆する you must have been told by Jessie Cole as soon as he got into the car that he had seen Pc Harper and almost been caught by him.

“Something has 原因(となる)d Jessie Cole to turn around.

“Had Pc Harper called out to Cole ‘stop police, we are the police’ something of that sort which 原因(となる)d that to happen?

“Did you hear that?”

Long said: “No.”

Asked if that was the 肉親,親類d of thing an officer might say, Long replied: “I don’t know, I’m not a police officer.”

Mr Laidlaw 示唆するd the officer, who 重さを計るd 90 キログラムs, got “within touching distance of the car” when he tragically became caught in the ひもで縛る 大(公)使館員d to the 後部.

He said all three 被告s “knew perfectly 井戸/弁護士席” the 28-year-old had almost reached Cole when the Seat took off.

The 被告 否定するd it.

Mr Laidlaw (刑事)被告 him of telling a “really 冷笑的な 嘘(をつく)” about turning the music up to “溺死する out the 発言する/表明するs” of his 乗客s as Pc Harper was dragged to his death.

Long said: “I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to concentrate on 運動ing and getting away.”

The lawyer went on: “You and the others hav e to tell this 嘘(をつく), you have to get something loud to cover up the fact that of course the dragging of Pc Harper was 原因(となる)ing a lot of noise behind the car and that was why I 示唆する you invented this 嘘(をつく).

“The truth is you heard all of this but you are not 用意が出来ている to 受託する that to the 陪審/陪審員団, hence the 嘘(をつく) about turning the music up.

“So you saw nothing, you heard nothing and you felt nothing?”

The 被告 replied: “That’s 訂正する.“

The 検察官,検事 示唆するd: “There were occasions when you deliberately turned the wheel of the 乗り物 from 味方する to 味方する in an 成果/努力 to throw Pc Harper because that was 妨害するing your 逃亡.

“I suppose your mindset was get away at all costs.”

Long replied: “I did not know he was there.”

Pc Harper had been 答える/応じるing to a 報告(する)/憶測 of a stolen quad bike in Stanford Dingley in Berkshire when 悲劇 struck on the night of August 15 last year.

Long, Cole and Bowers, from 近づく Reading, have 否定するd 殺人 but 認める 共謀 to steal the quad bike.

Long has also 収容する/認める Pc Harper’s 過失致死, but 否定するd ーするつもりであるing to 傷つける him.

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