Eoin Morgan has an 注目する,もくろむ on the World Cup in one-day series against Australia

Eoin Morgan believes England must adapt and 改善する on spinning pitches if they are to 首尾よく defend their World Cup 肩書を与える in India, and hopes that work can begin in earnest during the one-day series against Australia.

Captain Morgan is 心配するing a gentle turner at 首長国s Old Trafford, where the 競争相手s will play three ODIs in the next six days, with the 天候 条件s and wicket likely to favour slow bowlers.

In the 最近の past that would have been 原因(となる) for 失望/欲求不満, with England’s rise to number one in the ICC 最高位のs built around 地位,任命するing big totals on good batting 跡をつけるs and their tournament 勝利 last summer driven by their pace attack.

But with the next 版 予定 to be held in India in three years ? 同様に a T20 World Cup there next autumn ? Morgan is embracing the need for change.

“It’s a 抱擁する 利益 to us playing at Old Trafford, 特に if we play on the wicket I think we’re going to play on which will hopefully be slow and take a lot of turn,” he said as he celebrated his 34th birthday in the 限定するs of the bio-安全な・保証する 泡.

“It’s been 曇った and that makes it tacky. That’s the sort of wicket we will be more than likely to play on in India in the World Cup of 2023 and to play on that for a period of time will expose us in different areas we need to get better at.

“Over the course of the last four-and-a-half years we have had to wait to play at Cardiff or Old Trafford or go away on 小旅行する to experience those 条件s. So hopefully a little more of that will help us get better at what we need to do on those sort of pitches.

“I think going away from what we are strong at will do us good for a period of time. it 許すs us to 焦点(を合わせる) on things that are our 証拠不十分s as a 味方する, so it creates a new dynamic.”

Morgan’s 提案するd 転換 in 強調 is likely to be a greater challenge for some rather than others ? a batting order that has become adept at 狙撃 for totals around the 400 示す might need to 発展させる its methods, while Jofra Archer and 示す 支持を得ようと努めるd will hope to balance their 完全な 速度(を上げる) with other 道具s.

For some, the news is nothing but 肯定的な. 実験(する) 船長/主将 Joe Root is arguably the least 爆発性の but most pragmatic batsman in in the line-up, and might be 推定する/予想するd to lead the way on sub-大陸の style pitches, while 脚-spinner Adil Rashid is liable to be the 最初の/主要な 武器 when the ball is going sideways.

“For me he’s the number one variation bowler in the world at the moment,” said Morgan of the latter.

“He’s continuing to 改善する his game. He’s been in as 罰金 form as I’ve seen him.”

As for Root, who was disappointed to be overlooked for England’s 最近の T20 series 勝利,勝つ, the Dubliner 追加するd: “Joe is one of the best players in the world. Throughout the last World Cup it was (疑いを)晴らす what a 価値のある player he is to us and I think he’s undersold a lot of the time in white-ball cricket.

“He’s 極端に versatile in what he does. His dot-ball 百分率 is unbelievably low, his 普通の/平均(する) is high and his strike-率 is high. That’s all you can ask.”

England have a fully-fit squad of 14, 含むing the returning Jason Roy, with Morgan also (疑いを)晴らす after 行方不明の the final T20 in Southampton with a dislocated finger.

Moeen Ali captained for the first time in Morgan’s absenc e, with Chris Jordan stepping up to serve as 副, while Jos Buttler, Ben Stokes and Root all have leadership experience across the 判型s.

As it stands Morgan is fully committed to taking the 味方する 今後 but he has consciously 除去するd any awkwardness about the 問題/発行する of succession.

“The age old 説 of?not thinking of captaincy before you’re given it, we’re trying to get rid of that stigma?and build not one leader but a group?that will support them and 運動 things 今後,” he said.

“It’s an area we’ve neglected for a few years but in the last 行う/開催する/段階s of the World Cup, the 半分 and the final, the guys who are leaders stood up most vocally and 業績/成果-wise. It’s an area we’re trying to 改善する so guys step up at different times. I think everybody is replaceable.”

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