PM to phone US 大統領,/社長-elect Joe Biden すぐに - Raab

Boris Johnson is 始める,決める to get in touch with US 大統領,/社長-elect Joe Biden “すぐに”, によれば the Foreign 長官.

Dominic Raab said there had been 接触する between the 政府 and the successful Democratic (選挙などの)運動をする and 確認するd he 推定する/予想するd the 総理大臣 to phone Mr Biden.

The 閣僚 大臣, asked on BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show whether the 政府 had 接触するd the Biden team, said: “Funnily enough, I 交流d messages with 上院議員 Coons (tipped to be the next US 長官 of 明言する/公表する), our 大使館 are in touch with the (選挙などの)運動をする and I’m sure there will be a call between the 大統領,/社長-elect and the 総理大臣 すぐに in 予定 course.

It comes after 報告(する)/憶測s that Mr Johnson is “war-gaming” his first conversation with the next 現職の of the Oval Office as he 準備するs to 申し込む/申し出 to build a 連合 with the US to 取り組む 気候 change and join up on their 株d mantra to “build 支援する better” after coronavirus.

Mr Johnson, によれば the Sunday Times, is said to have joked with 負かす/撃墜するing Street 公式の/役人s that Mr Biden was “one of the few world leaders I 港/避難所’t 侮辱d”.

The 総理大臣 said on social マスコミ he was looking “今後 to working closely together on our 株d 優先s, from 気候 change to 貿易(する) and 安全” with Mr Biden now that he is 始める,決める to be the leader of “our most important 同盟(する)”.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to call US president-elect Joe Biden (Yui Mok/PA)

総理大臣 Boris Johnson is 予定 to call US 大統領,/社長-elect Joe Biden (Yui Mok/PA)

But there could be work to do for Number 10 to 準備する the 関係, however, after an 補佐官 of former 大統領,/社長 Barack Obama labelled the 総理大臣 a “shapeshifting creep” に引き続いて Mr Johnson’s tweet on Saturday.

Tommy Vietor, 言及/関連ing Mr Johnson 以前 示唆するing Mr Obama’s “part-Kenyan 遺産” was behind his “ancestral dislike of the British empire”, said: “We will never forget your 人種差別主義者 comments about Obama and slavish devotion to Trump.”

Mr Johnson has not met Mr Biden ? a point commentators 示唆するd ex-首相 Theresa May was alluding to when she tweeted a photograph of her and the long-serving 政治家,政治屋.

In December 2019, Mr Biden labelled the 総理大臣 a “physical and emotional clone” of Mr Trump.

労働’s 影をつくる/尾行する 貿易(する) 長官 Emily Thornberry 予報するd it would be “very difficult” for the 保守的な Party leader to be “の近くに to Joe Biden” after 支持を得ようと努めるing the Trump 行政 since he (機の)カム to Number 10 in 2019.

But Mr Raab 解任するd suggestions that the former 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長’s previous 批評 of Mr Johnson would 衝撃 the 関係 between the two countries.

“We’re two years (sic) on from that and I thought it was very 利益/興味ing 審理,公聴会 from 上院議員 Coons that he’s not 利益/興味d, and he doesn’t think that the 行政 are going to be 利益/興味d in relitigating old 問題/発行するs… what he’s looking for, what the Americans will be looking for, I’m sure, is the 適切な時期s of the 未来.”

Mr Raab said that “in 原則, yes, of course” all 投票(する)s should be counted in a democratic 選挙 having failed to make such a 声明 when Mr Trump had been calling for 明言する/公表するs to stop counting mail-in 投票(する)s last week.

Defending his own 祝賀の tweet for 説 there were “過程s still playing out”, the former Brexit 長官 said it was “権利 to tread carefully and sensitively” after a fraught 選挙 but 明言する/公表するd there had been a “最終的な result”.

Asked on Sky News’ Sophy 山の尾根 On Sunday whether he was fuelling conspiracists with his 返答, Mr Raab said: “No, I think that’s a very 同志/支持者 skew on it. The reality is we want to 尊敬(する)・点 the 正直さ and 過程s in place.

“People complain about 干渉,妨害 in our politics here ? I think it is 権利 to tread carefully and sensitively, 特に after what was 明確に a very の近くに 選挙, far closer than the マスコミ or the pundits 推定する/予想するd, and has been contentious in all sorts of ways.

“So, we proceeded sensitively and carefully, we 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 尊敬(する)・点 the 過程, but we look 今後 to working with the new 行政.”

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