UK could struggle for relevance during Biden 大統領/総裁などの地位, Nick Clegg 警告するs

Former 副 首相 Nick Clegg said the UK could “struggle for relevance” under a Biden 大統領/総裁などの地位.

The Remain 選挙運動者 also 警告するd that the 民主党員 選挙 勝利者 would 見解(をとる) Brexit 開発s in a “完全に different way” from beaten 現職の Donald Trump, given his strong Irish roots.

Mr Clegg, who was David Cameron’s 副 in 負かす/撃墜するing Street during the 連合 years, met 定期的に with Mr Biden when he was 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 under Barack Obama.

Speaking to BBC 無線で通信する 4’s Westminster Hour, he 述べるd the 77-year-old as a “classic warm, sort of 支援する-slapping 政治家,政治屋, 十分な of bonhomie” but? said he was “still able to switch gear” when needed.

The UK and US have 伝統的に been strong 同盟(する)s but Mr Clegg, who lives in California as 長,率いる of communications for Facebook, said Britain’s 影響(力) was on the 病弱な in the US.

He said: “I think the 広大な/多数の/重要な 窮地 for the UK 権利 now is just one of relevance, it’s a struggle for relevance.

“I think the 問題/発行する is why should a Joe Biden 大統領/総裁などの地位 care as much about the 部隊d Kingdom, as much as 大統領,/社長s have done in the past, when the 部隊d Kingdom is 身を引くing from the European 圏, which I know, having spoken to him about it on so many occasions over the years, Joe Biden really cares about.”

The former 自由主義の 民主党員 leader 予報するd that Mr Biden and the 総理大臣 would be “able to strike up a personal 関係” but 警告するd Boris Johnson ? who has not met Mr Biden ? about the way Brexit would be 見解(をとる)d through an Irish レンズ in 未来 in the Oval Office.

“Joe Biden is immensely proud of his Irish roots ? he did it 公然と in his speech yesterday (after 存在 発表するd 大統領,/社長-elect), he does it 個人として 同様に, 引用するs Seamus Heaney at the 減少(する) of a hat,” said Mr Clegg.

“This means something to him…so the UK will now be conscious of the fact that they have a US 大統領,/社長 who’ll be 焦点(を合わせる)ing in a 完全に different way to Donald Trump on the 衝撃 of the Brexit 取引,協定 ? or still worse, a no-取引,協定 on a country, Ireland, that he really treasures and, crucially, on those 始める,決めるs of 協定, the Good Friday 協定 and others, that he thinks should be 扱う/治療するd as sacrosanct.”

Mr Johnson, speaking on Sunday, congratulated Mr Biden and 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長-elect Kamala Harris as he made the first 前進するs to 支持を得ようと努める the new 行政, which will be 就任するd in January.

The 総理大臣 told 放送者s there was “far more that 部隊s” than divides the UK and US, 説: “The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs is our closest and most important 同盟(する), and that has been the 事例/患者 大統領,/社長 after 大統領,/社長, 首相 after 首相 ? it won’t change.”

Foreign 長官 Dominic Raab has held 会合s in Washington in 最近の months in a 企て,努力,提案 to 静める 恐れるs on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill and の中で its Irish ロビー about a hard 国境 in Northern Ireland as a result of a no-取引,協定 Brexit.

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