Author Khaled Hosseini `恐れるs for 進歩 made by Afghan women´

The 伸び(る)s Afghan women have made over the past 20 years are “up in the 空気/公表する”, Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini said.

He spoke of his 恐れるs as the Taliban quickly 掴むd 支配(する)/統制する of Afghanistan に引き続いて the US 出口 after almost 20 years of a US-led 連合’s presence in the country.

Hosseini told BBC 無線で通信する 4’s Today programme that “while the last 20 years have certainly been challenging and beset by missteps and 悲劇s, it is also true that there has been 進歩 in Afghanistan”.

The “重要な 改良s and 業績/成就s” have 含むd women serving in the Afghan 議会, becoming police 長,指導者s and 存在 part of the 全労働人口, and millions of girls who had returned to school.

He said: “Now all of that is up in the 空気/公表する and whether any of those 伸び(る)s will last remains to be seen.”

Mr ?Hosseini, who wrote The 道具 走者 and A Thousand Splendid Suns,?was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, before moving to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs in 1980.

US President Joe Biden has been criticised for `lack of empathy´ on Afghanistan (PA)

US 大統領 Joe Biden has been criticised for `欠如(する) of empathy´ on Afghanistan (PA)

US 大統領,/社長 Joe Biden?failed?to show “empathy” for the Afghan people? during a?speech in which he said he st ands “squarely” behind the US 出口, によれば Mr Hosseini.

Mr Hosseini told the programme that Mr Biden did not give “a 声明 of empathy with the millions of Afghans whom the Americans have been calling partners now for 20 years, who are left behind and have to fend for themselves and 直面する the very unenviable reality of having to live under a 政権 that 証明するd to be 極端に 残虐な when they were in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 in the 1990s”.

He also said Mr Biden had not “明確に” explained what the 遺産/遺物 of the past 20 years in Afghanistan had been for.

Mr Hosseini 追加するd: “If the 大統領,/社長 met a 海洋 who had lost her 脚s in Afghanistan, what would he say to her if she said, ‘What did I lose my 脚s for?’

“Before this 大混乱/混沌とした 撤退 we could have at least pointed to some 進歩 in Afghanistan.”

Of the Afghan army which fled instead of standing to fight as the Taliban made 広範囲にわたる 伸び(る)s across the country, Mr Hosseini said:?“I don’t 容赦する it but I understand it.”

He told the programme: “With はびこる 汚職 and a 失敗 to 配達する services and most importantly a 失敗 to 保護する the Afghan populace against groups like the Taliban, the legitimacy of the Afghan 政府 was lost in the 注目する,もくろむs of many Afghans.

“Therefore, when the Afghan army is 直面するing the 猛攻撃 of a powerful 部隊d army like the Taliban and they have been 貧しく paid, in many 事例/患者s not paid, 貧しく 武装した, 貧しく fed with no obvious 明言する/公表する structure in place ? it is not a wonder they decided to save their lives and walk away.”

Mr Hosseini is also a US 好意/親善 外交官/大使 to the 国連難民高等弁務官, the UN 難民 機関, and the 創立者 of The Khaled Hosseini 創立/基礎 which 供給するs 人道的な 援助 to the people of Afghanistan.

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