Elon Musk says Twitter staff 'error' led to 雇うing Perkins Coie 法律 会社/堅い

By David Thomas

Jan 6 (Reuters) - Twitter Inc CEO Elon Musk said in an email to Reuters on Friday that 雇うing 法律 会社/堅い Perkins Coie to defend the company in a California 連邦の 訴訟 this week was a mistake it would not make again.

Reuters 報告(する)/憶測d earlier that lawyers from Perkins Coie entered 法廷,裁判所 外見s for Twitter in the 事例/患者 on Wednesday even though Musk has 公然と非難するd the 会社/堅い on the social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約, 含むing in a tweet last month 関係のある to its past work for former Democratic U.S. 大統領の 指名された人 Hillary Clinton.

Musk's email said 雇うing Perkins Coie was "an error on the part of a member of the Twitter team."

"Perkins will not be 代表するing Twitter on 未来 事例/患者s," he said.

He did not すぐに 答える/応じる to follow-up questions on Friday, 含むing whether Perkins Coie will stay on as counsel for Twitter in at least six other 訴訟s predating Musk's 所有権. A Perkins Coie spokesperson did not すぐに 答える/応じる to a request for comment.

Musk's finger-pointing follows months of 内部の 緊張s over Twitter's 合法的な staffing and 優先s since he acquired the company for $44 billion and took over as CEO in October.

Musk has 解雇する/砲火/射撃d Vijaya Gadde, Twitter's 合法的な 事件/事情/状勢s and 政策 officer, and other 上級の 従業員s as he 捜し出すs to undo what he has 非難するd as past 検閲 and 同志/支持者 bias at the company.

Twitter has also shaken up its outside 合法的な teams, with 弁護士/代理人/検事s from Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan stepping in for other 会社/堅いs in several 事例/患者s.

Musk tweeted on Dec. 8 that Twitter "isn't using Perkins Coie" as outside counsel and 勧めるd other companies to ボイコット(する) the 会社/堅い. He sin gled out a former Perkins Coie lawyer, Michael Sussmann, who advised Clinton's 2016 大統領の (選挙などの)運動をする while at the 会社/堅い.

Sussmann was acquitted in May after 否定するing 連邦の 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s that he 誤って told the 連邦検察局 he was not working on Clinton's に代わって when he gave the 機関 趣旨d 証拠 of cyber links between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank.

"No company should use them until they make 修正するs for Sussmann´s 試みる/企てる to corrupt a 大統領の 選挙," Musk wrote in December, referring to Perkins Coie.

In May, Musk tweeted that Perkins Coie and another large 法律 会社/堅い were made up of "white-shoe lawyers" who "栄える on 汚職."

The 事例/患者 that Perkins Coie 調印するd on to for Twitter this week was brought last year by Laura Loomer, a far-権利 行動主義者 who was banned from the 場所/位置 in 2018.

The San Francisco 訴訟 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs social マスコミ 巨大(な)s, 会社/団体s and the U.S. 政府 conspired to "unlawfully censor 保守的な 発言する/表明するs and 干渉する with American 選挙s." Twitter and its former CEO Jack Dorsey have 否定するd the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs. (報告(する)/憶測ing by David Thomas in Chicago Editing by David Bario and Leslie Adler)

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