UPDATE 1-Biden says U.S.-中国 relations not 弱めるd by balloon 出来事/事件

WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) -

大統領 Joe Biden said on Monday that relations between Washington and Beijing were not 弱めるd by the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs' 負かす/撃墜するing of a 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd Chinese 秘かに調査する balloon over the 週末.

Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Biden said it was always his 見解(をとる) that the balloon needed to be 発射 負かす/撃墜する "as soon as it was appropriate."

Asked if the balloon 出来事/事件 弱めるs U.S.-中国 relations, Biden said: "No. We made it (疑いを)晴らす to 中国 what we're going to do. They understand our position. We're not going to 支援する off."

Biden continued: "We did the 権利 thing and it's not a question of 弱めるing or 強化するing - it's reality." (報告(する)/憶測ing by Jeff Mason and Dan Whitcomb; 令状ing by Rami Ayyub; editing by Tim Ahmann)

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