新たにするd 抗議するs in Iran's restive southeast, イスラム教寺院 surrounded

DUBAI, Feb 24 (Reuters) - デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s marched in Iran's restive southeast on Friday まっただ中に 報告(する)/憶測s on social マスコミ that 安全 軍隊s were surrounding a イスラム教寺院 at the centre of 週刊誌 anti-政府 決起大会/結集させるs

Anti-政府 抗議するs have been taking place across Iran since last September's death in 保護/拘留 of 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman Mahsa Amini for 侮辱する/軽蔑するing hijab 政策, which 要求するs women to 完全に cover their hair and 団体/死体s.

"We 断言する on our comrades' 血 to stand strong until the end," hundreds of デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s were seen 詠唱するing in a ビデオ from the flashpoint city of Zahedan 地位,任命するd by the 行動主義者 news 機関 HRANA.

Another 広範囲にわたって-循環させるd ビデオ 趣旨d to show 安全 軍隊s (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing and 逮捕(する)ing a Baluch man trying to enter the Makki イスラム教寺院 in Zahedan, 資本/首都 of Sistan-Baluchistan 州.

Reuters could not すぐに 立証する the ビデオs.

The Baluch 少数,小数派, 概算の to number up to 2 million people, has 直面するd 差別 and repression for 10年間s, によれば 権利s groups. Sistan-Baluchistan, 国境ing Pakistan and Afghanistan, is one of Iran's poorest 州s and has seen repeated 殺人,大当りs by 安全 軍隊s in 最近の years.

Zahedan saw one of the deadliest days of 抗議するs after Amini's death, with at least 66 people killed in a 厳重取締 there on Sept. 30, 国際アムネスティ said.

As with previous 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合s of 不安, 当局 appeared to have 混乱に陥れる/中断させるd internet services on Friday.

"確認するd: Real-time 網状組織 data show a 重要な disruption to internet connectivity in Zahedan, #Iran; the 出来事/事件 comes まっただ中に a growing 安全 presence during Friday 抗議するs," NetBlocks internet 監視する said.

There was no word on 明言する/公表する マスコミ of Friday's 報告(する)/憶測d 抗議するs. Tehran has said says the 抗議するs are 扇動するd by the Islamic 共和国's foreign enemies.

While the 全国的な 不安 has 減らすd in 最近の weeks, probably because of 死刑執行s and 厳重取締s, 行為/法令/行動するs of civil disobedience have continued from anti-政府 graffiti to 明かすd women appearing in public. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Dubai newsroom; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne)

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