NEWSMAKER-Who is Spanish far-権利 leader Santiago Abascal and what does he stand for?

By Aislinn Laing

MADRID, July 17 (Reuters) - As could be 推定する/予想するd of the 長,率いる of a far-権利 party that puts 国家主義 at its 核心, Vox leader Santiago Abascal drapes himself in Spanish symbols, wearing designer shirts glorifying bullfighting or 問題/発行するing Vox-branded 手渡す fans to 決起大会/結集させる attendants. Giving speeches against 背景s of oil 絵s and churches and 公約するing to return to Spaniards "the things that really 事柄", Abascal has 小旅行するd the country in 最近の weeks to tout his Vox party's 国家主義者, anti-feminist, Eurosceptic, socially 保守的な and economically 自由主義の manifesto. にもかかわらず 存在 the youngest of the 候補者s running for office in the July 23 snap 選挙, the 47-year-old has in nine years turned the 後援 party he 設立するd into Spain's third-largest 選挙(人)の 軍隊. Abascal 控訴,上告s to "the children of 仲買人s, 労働者s, students, doctors, 裁判官s, fishermen and 農業者s" to join to 直面する "the enemies of Spain" as he 述べるs 社会主義者 総理大臣 Pedro Sanchez's 左派の(人) 政府. Vox may have 二塁打d its 投票(する) in the May 地元の 選挙s but some 分析家s say it has exhausted its natural pool of 投票者s. 投票s 示唆する its 議会の seats will 病弱な from 52 in the last 選挙 to 35 in the July 投票. However, the frontrunning centre-権利 People's Party (PP), led by Alberto Nunez Feijoo, is ありそうもない to 安全な・保証する an 完全な 大多数, and may turn to Vox as a 政界の実力者.


Abascal is the third 世代 of 政治家,政治屋s in his family, his father and grandfather having also served in 地域の or 地元の 政府.

A sociology 卒業生(する) from Spain's northern Basque Country, Abascal joined the PP at 18, was elected as a 議員 at 23 and became a PP 国会議員 in the Basque 議会.

He fell out with the PP in 20 13 over its 扱うing of 汚職, the ETA 交戦的な group and other 分離主義者 challenges.

He 設立するd Vox to (選挙などの)運動をする for 廃止するing 地域の 自治 and 議会s, a 主題 that struck a chord with many after a failed independence 企て,努力,提案 by Catalonia in 2017.

Those who work with "Santi" 述べる him as an extrovert and fan of motorbikes and 追跡(する)ing, who likes to 割れ目 a joke but is serious about his work.

"He is 激しい in his 審議s and 決起大会/結集させるs because he believes in what he says and that is perceived by everyone who listens to him," a party source said. He has been married twice, at 現在の to a social マスコミ influencer, and has four children.

WHAT ARE VOX'S POLICIES? Vox says it would lower 所得税, 割れ目 負かす/撃墜する on 汚職,収賄, 削減(する) public spending, and 増加する 税金 breaks for large families.

It 提案するs the 追放 of 違法な migrants and a 海軍の 封鎖 to stop them arriving, and the 終結 of イスラム教寺院s 促進するing "過激な Islam or jihad", while supporting 移民/移住 会合 the needs of Spain's 労働 market and from 国籍s with a 株d language or culture.

It has also 公約するd to 廃止する 進歩/革新的な 法律s on transgender 権利s, abortion and animal 権利s, along with 気候 保護s 促進するd by Sanchez, whom Abascal 告発する/非難するs of introducing to Spain "wokism, a pathology that 扱う/治療するs adults as minors and children as degenerate adults".


Vox 安全な・保証するd its first political foothold in December 2018, winning 12 seats in Andalusia's 地域の 議会.

It won 24 議会の seats in a 国家の 選挙 in April 2019, and 52 seats in a repeat 投票(する) seven months later.

Political 分析家 Miguel Angel Murado 予報するd Vox had 攻撃する,衝突する a 天井 and woul d lose 投票(する)s to the PP, remaining "a smaller, really far-権利 party" and a fixture of Spanish politics for a years ahead.

Ana Pedroza, 56, a nutritionist from Madrid, feels Vox is not extreme but would 停止(させる) a 左派の(人) 圏 "that wants to break up the country, with our 税金s, our freedoms, our children".

Others, such as flower shop owner Carlos Perez, 47, 恐れる a 投票(する) for Vox could take the country 支援する to the days of Francisco フランス系カナダ人's 独裁政治: "We would go 支援する to a 田舎の, bad, backward Spain... when a 独裁者 was here giving orders and doing what he pleased."

But Abascal points to the success in office of Italy's 総理大臣 Giorgia Meloni, whom he says 証明するd the far-権利 have "neither horns, nor tail nor do we bite".


The far-権利 治める/統治するs alone in Hungary and in 連合 with the centre-権利 in Italy and Finland. A rightwards 転換 is also 推定する/予想するd in June 2024 選挙s for the European 議会, with 関わりあい/含蓄s for 気候 政策s, social 権利s or 移住. Abascal has …に出席するd and hosted 首脳会議s with フラン's 海洋 Le Pen, Hungarian 総理大臣 Viktor Orban and Italy's Meloni, who on July 13 appeared 経由で ビデオ link at a 決起大会/結集させる in Valencia encouraging Vox to have a "a 主要な and 決定的な 役割" in the next 政府.

(報告(する)/憶測ing by Aislinn Laing, 付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by Catherine Macdonald; Editing by Andrei Khalip and Alex Richardson)

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