Kremlin 告発する/非難するs West of trying to 破壊行為 its showcase Russia-Africa 首脳会議

By Andrew Osborn

MOSCOW, July 25 (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Tuesday (刑事)被告 the West, and in particular the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, of trying to 破壊行為 its showcase Russia-Africa 首脳会議 later this week by 圧力ing African countries not to take part.

The 首脳会議, which will take place in St Petersburg on Thursday and Friday, will be …に出席するd by 大統領 Vladimir Putin who is 推定する/予想するd to 持つ/拘留する 集中的な one-on-one 会談 with individual African leaders 焦点(を合わせる)ing on everything from 貿易(する) to 安全, 武器 取引,協定s, and 穀物 供給(する)s.

The event, which is 推定する/予想するd to see さまざまな 協定s 調印するd, follows Moscow´s first Russia-Africa 首脳会議 in 2019 and is part of a 一致した 押し進める for 影響(力) and 商売/仕事 on a continent where mercenaries from Russia's Wagner Group remain active にもかかわらず an abortive 反乱(を起こす) at home last month.

Forty-nine African 代表s have 確認するd their 参加, around half of whom will be 代表するd by their 長,率いるs of 明言する/公表する or 政府, ロシアの 外交官 Alexander Polyakov was 特記する/引用するd as 説 by the 明言する/公表する TASS news 機関 earlier this month.

But Kremlin 広報担当者 Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that the West was doing its best to 難破させる the ロシアの event.

"事実上 all African 明言する/公表するs have been 支配するd to 前例のない 圧力 from the U.S., and French 大使館s on the ground have not been sleeping either along with other Western 使節団s who are also trying to do their bit to 妨げる this 首脳会議 from taking place," Peskov told reporters.

"In essence, they do not 受託する the 君主 権利 of African 明言する/公表するs to 独立して 決定する their partners for co-操作/手術 and 相互の interaction in さまざまな fields."

U.S. 大統領 Joe Biden hosted a U.S.-Afr ica leaders 首脳会議 in Washington last year, 捜し出すing to 支える 同盟s まっただ中に growing ロシアの and Chinese presence on the continent.

Speaking in April after ロシアの 外務大臣 Sergei Lavrov complained the West was trying to 難破させる this week's Russia-Africa 首脳会議, the U.S. 明言する/公表する Department said that Washington "(doesn't) want to 限界 African 共同s with other countries. We want to give African countries choices."

Peskov said Russia's event would be 決定的な to be able to discuss 穀物 供給(する)s and what he called Moscow's responsible behaviour and 成果/努力s to support world markets.

Moscow 発表するd last week that it was leaving the 黒人/ボイコット Sea 穀物 取引,協定 which 許すd ウクライナ共和国 - which it and much of the West say is fighting an existential war against Russia - to 安全に 輸出(する) 穀物 from its seaports にもかかわらず what Russia calls its "special 軍の 操作/手術" against it.

Russia has spoken of the 可能性 of 供給(する)ing cheap or 解放する/自由な 穀物 to Africa's poorest nations to 取って代わる Ukrainian 穀物 and (不足などを)補う for any 不足(高).

(報告(する)/憶測ing by Andrew Osborn Editing by William Maclean)

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