EU, Greece to start technical 貸付金 会談 Wednesday

By Jan Strupczewski and Renee Maltezou

BRUSSELS, March 9 (Reuters) - 警告 Greece it had "no time to lose", euro zone 大臣s agreed technical 会談 between 財政/金融 専門家s from Athens and its international creditors would start on Wednesday with the 目的(とする) of 打ち明けるing その上の 基金ing.

"We've talked about this long enough now," an impatient-sounding Dutch 大蔵大臣 Jeroen Dijsselbloem said after 議長,司会を務めるing Monday's 会合 of euro zone 同僚s, their first since Feb. 20, when they 延長するd Greece's bailout 取引,協定 to June.

"We only have four months," he said. "Let's get it done."

The new left-wing Greek 政府, keen to show 投票者s it is keeping 選挙 約束s to break with EU-課すd 緊縮, has tried patience の中で its EU peers by arguing over the form and 発生地 for 詳細(に述べる)d 会談 要求するd to 設立する its needs and whether it has met 条件s the creditors have 始める,決める on 改革(する)s.

In a 妥協, Dijsselbloem said the 交渉s の中で 財政上の 専門家s from Greece and the creditor 会・原則s --the European (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限, European Central Bank and International 通貨の 基金 -- would start in Brussels on Wednesday, not in Athens as has been normal for EU bailout programmes so far.

Those 会談, however, would be "supported" by international teams working in Athens to 得る and check (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

The Greek 政府 has 主張するd it will no longer を取り引きする the "troika", as the three 会・原則s have been called in a 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 that is now anathema for many Greeks who associate it with 大規模な 削減(する)s in public spending. It has also said it will not 許容する irksome foreign 査察 visits to Athens.

The Eurogroup now calls the troika "the 会・原則s" and the 会談 will, 正式に at least, be based in Brussels. EU 大臣s say they do not want "semantics" to get in the way of 交渉s ーするつもりであるd to 妨げる Greece going 破産者/倒産した and 潜在的に 存在 軍隊d to abandon the 選び出す/独身 通貨.

Greek 大蔵大臣 Yanis Varoufakis, a Marxist academic 経済学者 who has enlivened the Eurogroup with barnstorming rhetoric against 緊縮, 主張するd the "troika is finished".

公式の/役人s from the 会・原則s in Athens would be given all the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) they needed, he said, but the old style that drew comparisons from Greeks of the Nazi 占領/職業 was over:

"The idea of troika visits, 構成するing cabals of 技術家出身の管理職者s from the three 会・原則s in lockstep walking into our 省s and trying to 器具/実施する a programme which has failed ... that is a thing of the past," he said.

It had "疎遠にするd" Greeks and 与える/捧げるd to a 抵抗 to 改革(する), he said, 宣言するing that no time had been wasted and that he 推定する/予想するd to 結論する a successful review ahead of schedule.

How 速く 交渉s will proceed remains to be seen. The Eurogroup 協定 last month made disbursement of その上の 基金s before the 現在の EU programme 満了する/死ぬs at the end of June 条件付きの on Greece passing a final 始める,決める of 実験(する)s that it is 改革(する)ing its economy to 対処する with its 大規模な 負債s.


Dijsselbloem 定評のある Greece was under 厳しい 圧力 to find the cash to 支払う/賃金 ぼんやり現れるing 負債 service かかわり合いs, but said that 圧力 せねばならない serve as an incentive to reach a を取り引きする the creditors. However, he 追加するd that if Greece showed it was 器具/実施するing some of the 対策, then some 基金s could be 解放(する)d before the planned review 結論するs next month.

Varoufakis has submitted a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of 改革(する)s the 政府 is ready to take and, criticising the way マスコミ 報告(する)/憶測d that the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) fell short of what his euro zone 同僚s were looking for, said more (製品,工事材料の)一回分s of 提案s were to come.

The 政府 has put an 強調 on raising more 税金s by clamping 負かす/撃墜する on 普及した cheating. But euro zone peers, 顕著に 含むing the 圏's German paymaster, say that is far from enough. 歳入s have in fact dropped since the 選挙 in January as taxpayers 持つ/拘留する off, hoping the 政府 削減(する)s 率s.

One new 提案, the Greek 公式の/役人 said, was to encourage 消費者s to 需要・要求する 税金-compliant 領収書s for goods and services by letting them use such 領収書s to enter a 宝くじ.

大臣s spent barely 30 minutes discussing Greece at what was scheduled as a 決まりきった仕事 月毎の 会合, an EU 公式の/役人 said, 強調する/ストレスing to Varoufakis that it was time to engage in serious, 詳細(に述べる)d discussions with 専門家s from the creditors.

Varoufakis, who 主張するd that no time had been wasted since Feb. 20, irritated EU partners by dangling the prospect of a 国民投票 in a 週末 newspaper interview -- though he himself criticised the paper's 報告(する)/憶測ing and said he had 答える/応じるd to a 純粋に hypothetical question that could not arise.

Shut out of 資本/首都 markets, with international 貸付金s frozen and 税金 歳入s 落ちるing, Greece could run out of cash later this month. However, a Greek 公式の/役人 said Athens had enough to 支払う/賃金 the second of four 310 million-euro 貸付金 instalments 予定 to the 国際通貨基金 on March 13. Two more are 予定 on March 16 and 20.

Varoufakis said he was 確信して the 政府, helped by its creditors, would remain solvent during the 交渉s.

Euro zone 政府s assume that Greece will need その上の 財政上の support after the 現在の programme 満了する/死ぬs, although they and Athens will not discuss that in public at the moment.

An ECB source said the cash position of Greek banks, on a drip-料金d of 緊急 lending, appeared to be stabilising after 激しい deposit outflows from December to late February.

The ECB's 治める/統治するing 会議 is 始める,決める to 持つ/拘留する a teleconference on Thursday to discuss 延長するing that 緊急 liquidity 援助 (ELA), a person familiar with the 事柄 said.


A 上級の 同盟(する) of German (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Angela Merkel said Greece would be better off outside the euro zone, 示唆するing that 大蔵大臣 Wolfgang Schaeuble 個人として agreed.

"By leaving the euro zone, as Schaeuble has 示唆するd, the country could make itself 競争の激しい again from a 通貨 視野 with a new drachma," Peter Ramsauer of the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) wrote in Bild newspaper.

Merkel and Schaeuble have both said 公然と they want to keep Greece in. But in a 調印する that German 見解(をとる)s may be 転換ing, Ramsauer said a 一時的な "Grexit" would be a "広大な/多数の/重要な 適切な時期" to 上げる its economy and 行政, "making it fit to return to the euro area from a position of strength".

捜し出すing European support, Greek Prim e 大臣 Alexis Tsipras will 会合,会う European (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 大統領 ジーンズ-Claude Juncker in Brussels on Friday. Juncker has been trying to 調停する between the new Athens 政府 and its EU creditors, 顕著に Germany, but his 成果/努力s have irritated Berlin.

An opinion 投票 on Monday showed a large 大多数 of Greeks want Athens to 妥協 to 避ける having to leave the euro. (付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by コマドリ Emmott, Tom Koerkemeier, Ingrid Melander, Francesco Guarascio and Alastair Macdonald in Brussels, Toby 英貨の/純銀の in Amsterdam, Stephen Brown and Noah Barkin in Berlin, Steven Scherer in Rome and Angeliki Koutantou in Athens; 令状ing by Paul Taylor and Alastair Macdonald; Editing by Jeremy Gaunt, Larry King, コマドリ Pomeroy)

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