Customs checks 停止する 救済 for Nepal 地震 犠牲者s - UN

By Frank Jack Daniel and Andrew R.C. Marshall

KATHMANDU, May 2 (Reuters) - Customs 査察s at Kathmandu airport are 持つ/拘留するing up 決定的な 救済 供給(する)s for 地震 生存者s in Nepal, a U.N. 公式の/役人 said on Saturday, as the death (死傷者)数 from the 災害 a week ago passed 6,600.

国際連合 居住(者) 代表者/国会議員 Jamie McGoldrick said the 政府 must 緩和する its normal customs 制限s to を取り引きする the 増加するing flow of 救済 構成要素 now 注ぐing in from abroad and piling up at the airport.

But the 政府, complaining it has received such unneeded 供給(する)s as マグロ and mayonnaise, 主張するd its customs スパイ/執行官s had to check all 緊急 出荷/船積みs.

U.S. 軍の 航空機 and 職員/兵員 予定 to arrive on Saturday to help フェリー(で運ぶ) 救済 供給(する)s to stricken areas outside the 資本/首都 were 延期するd and 試験的に scheduled to arrive on Sunday, a U.S. 海洋s spokeswoman said.

"They should not be using 平時(の) customs methodology," the U.N.'s McGoldrick said. Instead, he argued, all 救済 構成要素 should get a 一面に覆う/毛布 控除 from checks on arrival.

Nepal 解除するd 輸入する 税金s on tarpaulins and テントs on Friday but a home 省 広報担当者, Laxmi Prasad Dhakal, said all goods coming in from overseas had to be 検査/視察するd. "This is something we need to do," he said.

大蔵大臣 押し通す Sharan Mahat 控訴,上告 ed on Friday to international 寄贈者s to send テントs, tarpaulins and basic food 供給(する)s and said some of the items received were of no use.

"We have received things like マグロ fish and mayonnaise. What good are those things for us? We need 穀物s, salt and sugar," he told reporters.


Some 生存者s held a candle-light 儀式 in Kathmandu on Saturday to 示す the passing of one week since the 災害, many of them breaking 負かす/撃墜する in 涙/ほころびs as they prayed.

海洋 准將 General Paul Kennedy said the 延期するd U.S. 次第で変わる/派遣部隊 含むd at least 100 U.S. 兵士s, 解除するing 器具/備品 and six 軍の 航空機, two of them ヘリコプターs.

He also 警告するd against bottlenecks at Kathmandu airport, 説: "What you don't want to do is build up a mountain of 供給(する)s" that 封鎖する space for 計画(する)s or more 供給(する)s.

Nepali 政府 公式の/役人s have said 成果/努力s to step up the pace of 配達/演説/出産 of 救済 構成要素 to remote areas were also 失望させるd by a 不足 of 供給(する) トラックで運ぶs and drivers, many of whom had returned to their villages to help their families.

"Our granaries are 十分な and we have ample food 在庫/株, but we are not able to 輸送(する) 供給(する)s at a faster pace," said Shrimani Raj Khanal, a 経営者/支配人 at the Nepal Food Corp.

Army ヘリコプターs have 空気/公表する-dropped instant noodles and 薄焼きパン/素焼陶器s to remote communities but people need rice and other 成分s to cook a proper meal, he said.

The 政府 said the death (死傷者)数 from last Saturday's 7.8 magnitude 地震 had reached 6,655 and that more than 14,000 people were 負傷させるd.

In Kathma ndu, teams with sniffer dogs slowly searched through 廃虚d buildings for 団体/死体s still buried in the がれき. どこかよそで, volunteers stacked up bricks 回復するd from the 破片 to begin the slow 過程 of 再建.

Some 機関s are beginning to look for demolition 乗組員s 有能な of bringing 負かす/撃墜する thousands of dangerous buildings.


Many Nepalis have been sleeping in the open since the 地震, with 生存者s afraid to return to their homes because of powerful aftershocks. テントs have been pitched in Kathmandu's main sports stadium and on its ゴルフ course.

によれば the 国際連合, 600,000 houses have been destroyed or 損失d.

The 国際連合 said 8 million of Nepal's 28 million people were 影響する/感情d, with at least 2 million needing テントs, water, food and 薬/医学s over the next three months.

The 最高の,を越す 優先s now are getting 援助(する) and 避難所 to people before the 季節風 season starts within weeks and 追加するs to the difficulty in 分配するing 救済 供給(する)s, World Food Programme (n)役員/(a)執行力のある director Ertharin Cousin told Reuters.

"Our 恐れる is the 季節風 will come 早期に," she said.

病気 is also a worry. "Hospitals are 洪水ing, water is 不十分な, 団体/死体s are still buried under the がれき and people are still sleeping in the open," Rownak 旅宿泊所, UNICEF's 副 代表者/国会議員 in Nepal, said in a 声明.

"This is a perfect 産む/飼育するing ground for 病気s."

(付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by Ross Adkin; 令状ing by Raju Gopalakrishnan; Editing by Tom Heneghan)

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