Ebola 生存者s can harbour ウイルス in semen for at least 9 months

By Kate Kelland

LONDON, Oct 14 (Reuters) - Ebola ウイルス can 存在する in the semen of male 生存者s of the 病気 for at least nine months after their 初期の 感染 appears, much longer than 以前 thought, scientists said on Wednesday.

In 予選 results that raised questions about how and when the West African 疫病/流行性の might be brought to an end, 研究員s said they did not know if the traces of ウイルス that were discovered were live or 潜在的に 感染性の.

"These results come at a 批判的に important time, reminding us that while Ebola 事例/患者 numbers continue to 急落する, Ebola 生存者s and their families continue to struggle with the 影響s of the 病気," said Bruce Aylward, a World Health Organization (世界保健機構) Ebola 専門家.

He said 生存者s, of whom there are up to 17,000 in West Africa, needed "continued, 相当な support for the next six to 12 months to 会合,会う these challenges and to 確実にする their partners are not exposed to 可能性のある ウイルス".

Ebola 感染させるd 28,000 people and killed more than 11,300 in an 突発/発生 中心d in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia that is just coming under 支配(する)/統制する.

病気 専門家s said they are only now able to learn more about Ebola and its 可能性のある longer-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 影響s on 生存者s.

Jonathan Ball, a molecular virology professor at Britain's Nottingham University, said Wednesday's findings were worrying.

"This 確認するs that Ebola ウイルス can 固執する in the genital tract for a かなりの length of time, months after the ウイルス has disappeared from the 血, and worryingly shows that this long-lived 貯蔵所 is a 可能性のある source of new 感染s," Ball said in an emailed comment.

This 熟考する/考慮する 含むd 93 male Ebola 生存者s over age 18 from Freetown who gave semen 見本s for 実験(する)ing. The men 入会させるd in the 熟考する/考慮する two to 10 months after their illness began.

All of the men who were 実験(する)d in the first three months after becoming ill were 肯定的な for Ebola ウイルス. Some 65 パーセント 実験(する)d four to six months after their illness were 肯定的な, while a 4半期/4分の1 of those 実験(する)d seven to nine months after 落ちるing ill 実験(する)d 肯定的な.

"Why some 熟考する/考慮する 関係者s had (疑いを)晴らすd the fragments of Ebola ウイルス from semen earlier than others remains 不明瞭な," the 研究員s said in a 声明 about their results, which were published in the New England 定期刊行物 of 薬/医学.

It said その上の 実験(する)s of the 見本s were 存在 行為/行うd by the U.S. 中心s for 病気 支配(する)/統制する and 予防 "to 決定する if the ウイルス is live and 潜在的に 感染性の".

Jeremy Farrar, an 感染性の 病気s 専門家 and director of Britain's Wellcome 信用 全世界の health charity, said the findings 最高潮の場面d "just how much we still don't understand about the Ebola ウイルス, 感染 and 回復."

"It also reminds us that the Ebola 疫病/流行性の could be far from over," he said. "With more than 17,000 Ebola 生存者s, it's possible that その上の 事例/患者s of 延期するd 伝達/伝染 and late 複雑化s will occur."

The 世界保健機構's advice is that all male 生存者s should be 実験(する)d three months after the onset of symp toms and then 月毎の until they know they have no 危険 of passing on the ウイルス.

"Until a male Ebola 生存者's semen has twice 実験(する)d 消極的な, he should 棄権する from all types of sex or use condoms when engaging in 性の activity," the 世界保健機構 said. "手渡すs should be washed after any physical 接触する with semen." (付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; Editing by Andrew Roche, Toni Reinhold)

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