Xi says there will be no hard 上陸, Chinese economy has entered 'new normal'

LONDON, Oct 21 (Reuters) - 大統領 Xi Jinping said on Wednesday that there would be no hard 上陸 for the world's second largest economy.

Speaking in London 経由で a 翻訳家 during a 公式訪問 to Britain, Xi said 中国's economy had entered a new normal and there was some downward 圧力 but foresaw growth 率s of about 7 パーセント.

On 投資, Xi said that 中国 would not の近くに the door that it had opened and that Beijing remained committed to market oriented 改革(する). He said 中国 needed to 持続する fair and open market order. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Kate Holton, 令状ing by Guy Faulconbridge; editing by Stephen Addison)

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