砲火, 抗議するs 爆発する in Central African 共和国 資本/首都

BANGUI, Oct 24 (Reuters) - U.N. (国連の)平和維持軍s and 武装した men 交流d 解雇する/砲火/射撃 on Monday in Central African 共和国's 資本/首都 Bangui, the 国際連合 said, while hundreds of 抗議する人s gathered to call for the 使節団's 出発.

(人が)群がるs gathered 近づく a major roundabout, carrying anti-U.N. posters, throwing 石/投石するs and shouting at their 軍隊/機動隊s who 答える/応じるd with 警告 発射s, a Reuters 証言,証人/目撃する said.

One 負傷させるd man was carried の上に a police トラックで運ぶ but it was 不明瞭な how he was 負傷させるd.

Central African 共和国 has been in 大混乱 since 早期に 2013 when fighting between mostly イスラム教徒 Seleka 反逆者/反逆するs and anti-Balaka Christian 民兵s 誘発するd the 設立 of the MINUSCA 使節団 a year later.

批評 of the 13,000-strong 使節団 has 機動力のある in 最近の weeks with 地元の people 告発する/非難するing the (国連の)平和維持軍s of not doing enough to 保護する them. Civil society groups called for a general strike on Monday to 圧力 the 使節団 to leave.

"We have seen that their 使節団 has no use and it's just better that they leave," said IT engineer Didier Fabrice Balandegue as 砲火 rang out in the background.

広報担当者 for MINUSCA Herve Verhoosel said a 簡潔な/要約する firefight broke out in the morning when a U.N. patrol was 解雇する/砲火/射撃d at by 身元不明の 武装した men.

"There were other 事例/患者s where we 解雇する/砲火/射撃d 警告 発射s and 除去するd バリケードs," he said by telephone, 追加するing that he was no t aware of any 死傷者s. The streets are now 静める, he said.

The civil society groups 開始する,打ち上げるd a 嘆願(書) last week calling for MINUSCA's 出発 and the rearming of the 国家の 武装した 軍隊s, 現在/一般に 支配する to an 武器 出入港禁止.

Most 居住(者)s in the city of 1 million people 注意するd the call not to go work on Monday and many shops were shut and taxis were in short 供給(する).

MINUSCA has been dogged by dozens of 主張s of 性の 乱用, 誘発するing a 幅の広い U.N. 調査. This month 30 people were killed and dozens 負傷させるd during an attack on 難民s by Seleka 軍隊s, although 暴力/激しさ in the 資本/首都 in 最近の months has been rare. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Crispin Dembassa-Kete and Serge Leger Kokopakpa; 令状ing by Emma Farge; Editing by Alison Williams)

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