革新s in online learning for 難民s, slum children recognised with UN prize

By Adela Suliman

LONDON, Feb 21 (Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎) - As a university 卒業生(する), Korvi Rakshand 手配中の,お尋ね者 nothing more than to help break the cycle of poverty in his native Bangladesh by teaching children on the 利ざやs of society.

He rented a 選び出す/独身 room in a slum for his lessons and 供給するd half a キロ of rice a day to parents as a way of encouraging them to send their children to class.

A 10年間 on, what started as a hobby has led to a 網状組織 of 10 online schools and three 正規の/正選手 schools which 目的(とする) to give thousands of children in remote areas of the South Asian country of 163 million an education 経由で 科学(工学)技術 and the internet.

"What we've done is not ロケット/急騰する science but the thing is no one ever tried it. It's a very simple system," said Rakshand, whose JAAGO 創立/基礎 was the 共同の 受取人 on Tuesday of a $25,000 U.N. award for 革新 in education.

Even though 最初の/主要な education is 解放する/自由な in Bangladesh, only half of all children in the country's slums …に出席する school, a 率 18 パーセント lower than the 国家の 普通の/平均(する), によれば the U.N. children's 機関 UNICEF.

Rakshand said 最初 lessons were 配達するd over Skype, a messaging and ビデオ call service, but now teachers in the 資本/首都 Dhaka use interactive ビデオ 会議/協議会ing to 現在の live tutorials, analyse charts and watch 教育の ビデオs with students in remote areas.

"For the kids, someone appearing on a television is like a celebrity, so the kids love the 概念 that they're talking to a television and there's someone from the 資本/首都 who's probably famous teaching them and giving them time," Rakshand told the Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎.

確実にするing inclusive and 質 education for all is one of 17 開発 goals 可決する・採択するd by U.N. member 明言する/公表するs in 2015 as part of an ambitious 協議事項 to end 全世界の poverty by 2030.

Yet millions of children and adults around the world have little or no 接近 to education 予定 to war, poverty and d isplacement, 専門家s say.

To 演説(する)/住所 the 赤字, 非,不,無-利益(をあげる)s and others are ますます harnessing 科学(工学)技術 to reach disadvantaged communities and plug gaps in 伝統的な education systems.


促進するing learning の中で 難民s who have fled 騒動 in countries like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan can transform their lives, によれば Kiron, a 非,不,無-政治の organisation whose work 供給するing 難民s with 解放する/自由な 接近 to higher education was also recognised by the prize from the 国際連合 教育の, 科学の and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Based in Germany, the NGO runs an online 壇・綱領・公約 that 許すs 難民s to 調印する up to accounting, 工学 and other courses by logging on 経由で their smartphones from anywhere in the world, 含むing (軍の)野営地,陣営s and 避難所s.

More than 2,000 students have 入会させるd in the courses working with 27 partner universities across Germany, フラン, Turkey and Jordan.

"For 難民s that are in a new society, it's a lot about their 身元 of feeling like a student and not like a 難民 anymore, and just having fun with each other," said Markus Kressler, co-創立者 of Kiron.

Kressler said Kiron had been inundated with requests from volunteers and academics who 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 申し込む/申し出 their services to the online university.

"They (難民s) need just one 発射 ーするために start a new life," he said. "We need to give everyone a fair chance."

にもかかわらず the success of such 事業/計画(する)s, internet 関係 remains a challenge, によれば Rakshand, who said JAAGO had considered introducing online classes in Sierra Leone and Nepal but 直面するd 限られた/立憲的な bandwidth in those countries. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Adela Suliman; editing by Katie Nguyen. Please credit the Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers 人道的な news, women's 権利s, trafficking, 所有物/資産/財産 権利s, 気候 change and resilience. Visit http://news.信用.org)

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