Chile 需要・要求するs explanation from Cuba after ex-大臣 否定するd 入ること/参加(者)

SANTIAGO, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Chile said Tuesday it was 解任するing its 外交官/大使 to Cuba for 協議 and speaking to the Cuban 政府 to 設立する why a 目だつ former 大臣 was 封鎖するd from entering Cuba on Monday night.

Mariana Aylwin, a former 文部大臣 and daughter of ex-大統領,/社長 Patricio Aylwin, was traveling to the island to receive a prize on に代わって of her father. The event, planned for Wednesday, was 組織するd by the Latin American 網状組織 of 青年 for 僕主主義, which has been 批判的な of the Cuban 政府.

The organization has also 招待するd Luis Almagro, the 長,率いる of the Organization of American 明言する/公表するs, which 一時停止するd Cuba in 1962 for 存在 共産主義者.

While the Washington-based 米州機構 agreed in 2009 to 解除する the 冷淡な War 判決,裁定, Cuba 拒絶する/低下するd to 再結合させる the group, which it みなすs an 帝国主義の 器具 of its former 冷淡な War 敵 the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

Aylwin was 妨げるd from checking in to her flight in Chile's 資本/首都, Santiago, 明らかに at the request of the Cuban 当局, she told 新聞記者/雑誌記者s on Tuesday.

"演習ing the 権利 (to travel between nations) should not be 干渉するd with, 特に given that Chile has 認めるd the feats of さまざまな 人物/姿/数字s in Cuban history and politics," Chile's Foreign Relations 省 said in a 声明.

Mariana Aylwin served in 議会 in the 1990s for Chile's 中道派(の) Christian Democratic Party, and later as 大臣 in the 2000s under 中心-left 大統領,/社長 Ricardo Lagos, who is running for 大統領,/社長 in Chile's 2017 選挙s.

She is seen as an 観念的な leader of the most 保守的な segment of Chile's 中心-left 判決,裁定 連合.

Her father was Chile's first 民主的に elected 大統領,/社長 after the 1973 to 1990 独裁政治 of Augusto Pinochet, and is credited with 首尾よく 監督するing the nation's 壊れやすい political 移行. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Gram Slattery in Santiago; 付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by Sarah 沼 in Havana; Editing by Rosalba O'Brien and James Dalgleish)

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