South Sudan's 対立 groups agree to work together against 政府

NAIROBI, May 13 (Reuters) - Seven South Sudanese 対立 groups, 含むing that of 反逆者/反逆する leader Riek Machar, said on Saturday they had agreed to work closely in their 企て,努力,提案 to 追い出す 大統領 Salva Kiir's 政府, as the civil war drags on in the oil-producing nation.

加盟国s of the 協定 含むd former 政府 大臣s Kosti Manibe and Lam Akol, 同様に as Thomas Cirillo Swaka, the 軍の's former 長,率いる of 兵たん業務, who 辞職するd in February 特記する/引用するing はびこる human 権利s 乱用s by the 軍の and the dominance of 大統領 Kiir's Dinka 民族の group.

"In working together, our 成果/努力s - political, 外交の, and 軍の 成果/努力s - can be more 効果的な than when we operate as different 部隊s," said Nathaniel Oyet, a 上級の 公式の/役人 in Machar's SPLA-IO group.

South Sudan won independence from Sudan in 2011 but 急落(する),激減(する)d into civil war just two years later after Kiir, an 民族の Dinka, 解雇する/砲火/射撃d his 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長, Machar, an 民族の Nuer.

The move 誘発する/引き起こすd a 衝突 fought 大部分は along 民族の lines, pitched parts of South Sudan into 飢饉, and 軍隊d a 4半期/4分の1 of the 全住民 - 3 million people - to 逃げる their homes. The 国際連合 has said the 暴力/激しさ 量s to 民族の 洗浄するing and 危険s 増大するing into 集団殺戮.

Machar's SPLM-IO group has 戦う/戦いd 兵士s loyal to Kiir for more than three years but several of his generals broke off to form their own movements or to join Kiir's 政府.

Other anti-政府 groups have also 現れるd since the 衝突 爆発するd. Some have 戦う/戦いd each other.

In their 声明 on Saturday the 対立 leaders said they would 持つ/拘留する a 会議/協議会 "with a 見解(をとる) to 捜し出すing a 部隊d 前線 on ありふれた 戦略の and 操作の 問題/発行するs".

"We feel that if we have one 客観的な that is to 除去する the 政府 ... then we need to 調整する our 成果/努力 and we need to speak one language," said Oyay Deng Ajak, a member of a group of 追放するd former 公式の/役人s of the ru ling SPLM party who have stayed 中立の in the 衝突.

Ajak said some contentious 問題/発行するs remained, 含むing over the 任命 of a chairman.

The 対立's move toward まとまり comes as 割れ目s appeared in Kiir's 判決,裁定 連合. This week, Kiir 解雇する/砲火/射撃d his army 長,指導者 Paul Malong, raising 恐れるs of 武装した 対決.

大統領の 広報担当者 Ateny Wek Ateny said the 政府 would not 交渉する with any new 対立 members.

"The 政府 is not 認めるing this 肉親,親類d of group," he told Reuters. "We have no 時刻表/予定表 for them." (令状ing by Aaron Maasho; Editing by Gareth Jones)

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