Indian 修道女 救助(する)s Cameroonian sex slaves from Middle East

By Inna Lazareva

YAOUNDE, Aug 10 (Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎) - A celebrated Indian 修道女 who 救助(する)s Cameroonian women from slavery in the Middle East has called for greater support for 犠牲者s to help them 回復する from the horrors of 存在 drugged, 強姦d and 乱用d.

Sister Vanaja Jasphine says she has identified more than 200 women who have been trafficked from the central African nation and enslaved in the Middle East in 最近の years.

The 39-year-old 修道女 last year helped to bring home 14 trafficking 犠牲者s, whom she 言及するs to as Cameroon's "children".

A rising number of African women are 長,率いるing to the Middle East for 国内の work, driven abroad by the 欠如(する) of 職業s at home, 権利s 行動主義者s say. Yet many have their パスポートs 押収するd and 結局最後にはーなる 罠にかける in modern-day slavery.

"One woman was thrown from the balcony of a two-storey building by her 雇用者 after she accidentally burnt her boss's shirt whilst アイロンをかけるing," Jasphine said of a 犠牲者 in Kuwait.

Others are drugged and turned into sex slaves - 存在 強姦d 多重の times a day and even 軍隊d to have sex with animals.

"They come home with a lot of 外傷/ショック," Jasphine, 調整者/コーディネーター of the 司法(官) and Peace (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 of Kumbo, told the Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎 in a seminary in the 資本/首都 Yaounde.

"いつかs, a (woman 軍隊d to be a) sex 労働者 can be 偉業/利用するd 15 times a day - 肉体的に, mentally, she's drained ... she's gone," 追加するd the 修道女, who moved to northwest Cameroon almost a 10年間 ago to work with the country's poorest.

"In the end, she doesn't have anything. She comes 支援する in the same dress she left in."

Jasphine was あられ/賞賛するd in June as one of eight 全世界の heroes in the fight against trafficking at the 開始する,打ち上げる of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs' 年次の Trafficking in Persons (TIP) 報告(する)/憶測, which grades countries on their 成果/努力s to stamp out modern-day slavery.

But Jasphine has no time for 祝賀s.

She is too busy seeki ng 基金ing, counselling and support for 犠牲者s left traumatised by their ordeal abroad.


Jasphine says she identifies trafficking 犠牲者s by working with 行動主義者s, community leaders and civil society groups.

To raise 認識/意識性 about their 苦境, she has helped organise demonstrations, where women have marched with 掲示s reading: 'Bring 支援する our 苦しむing daughters'.

"We got a lot of support from the people," said Jasphine.

"It touches every heart because they (the people) feel: 'It's my own child who is 影響する/感情d, who is 偉業/利用するd'."

She has also ロビーd 政府 公式の/役人s, all the way to the country's 首相, to do more to help the women.

Cameroon has made strides に向かって 会合 the U.S. 最小限 基準s to end trafficking, having 供給するd services to some 犠牲者s and sent a 代表 to the Middle East to discuss Cameroonian 労働者s' 権利s, the 2017 TIP 報告(する)/憶測 said.

Yet the 明言する/公表する has not 基金d 本国送還 for slavery 犠牲者s 立ち往生させるd in the Middle East, and continues to rely on civil society groups to bring trafficking 事例/患者s to its attention and 供給する most services for 犠牲者s, the 報告(する)/憶測 said.

The 政府 has tried to 割れ目 負かす/撃墜する on Cameroonians travelling to the Middle East, but traffickers have changed 策略, and are instead 飛行機で行くing women 経由で Nigeria, Jasphine said.

She said the 政府 must now do more to help those coming home.

Although her organisation and other groups try to help 犠牲者s get 支援する on their feet, take them to hospital and 供給する counselling, it is 簡単に not enough, the 修道女 警告するd.

"It is very disheartening," Jasphine said, showing a 一連の 苦しめるd text messages from one of the women she helped to 救助(する) from Kuwait, who is now struggling financially.

"Much more needs to be done." (報告(する)/憶測ing By Inna Lazareva, editing by Kieran Guilbert and Emma Batha.; Please credit the Thomson Reuters 創立/基礎, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, th at covers 人道的な news, women's 権利s, trafficking, 所有物/資産/財産 権利s, 気候 change and resilience. Visit http://news.信用.org)

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