Losses, 略奪するing as Philippine war's fortunate few return home

By ツバメ Petty

MARAWI CITY, Philippines, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Khaliluddin Ismail returned home on Sunday after five months of war in the southern Philippines to find his house ransacked. But he's still smiling.

"At least we have something left," he said, standing in a room with 着せる/賦与するs, toys, ornaments and 損失d pictures strewn across the 床に打ち倒す.

"Others have nothing. They lost their homes, they lost their lives."

Ismail, 44, the Imam of a nearby イスラム教寺院, considers himself one of the luckiest people in Marawi. The city was 荒廃させるd by more than 150 days of 戦う/戦いs between 政府 軍隊s and プロの/賛成の-Islamic 明言する/公表する 交戦的なs that killed more than 1,100 people and 追い出すd some 350,000.

His house is in Marawi's 安全な zone, an area long abandoned by 居住(者)s but untouched by unrelenting 爆撃する and 軍の 空気/公表する strikes that have all but flattened the city's 商業の heart, destroying thousands of homes, shops and 乗り物s.

Six days after 軍隊/機動隊s killed the last remaining 反逆者/反逆するs, Ismail was の中で about 4,000 people 許すd to return to their homes on Sunday in Marawi's Basak Malutlot area.

Many like him have discovered their houses were 略奪するd and left in 混乱.

"I opened the door and I was shocked, but I'm still happy to be home," he said.

Ismail fled with his family on May 24 during a 猛烈な/残忍な three-day firefight that 爆発するd just 50 metres away, when 安全 軍隊s tried to (警察の)手入れ,急襲 the (犯人の)隠れ家 of 悪名高い 交戦的な leader Isnilon Hapilon, Islamic 明言する/公表する's anointed "首長" in Southeast Asia.

Hapilon escaped, then 問題/発行するd a call to 武器 to hundreds of 謀反のs to 始める their planned 引き継ぎ/買収 of Marawi. It 誘発するd the Philippines' biggest 都市の 戦う/戦い in 最近の history, and 恐れるs that Islamic 明言する/公表する's 極端論者 協議事項 had 伸び(る)d a foothold in the south of the おもに カトリック教徒 country.


There were scenes of joy and 大混乱 as a 軍用車隊 of returning 居住(者)s 注ぐd in to Marawi to a cacophony of horns and whistles, jamming what only a few hours earlier were 砂漠d streets.

武装した police at 検問所s cross-checked 文書s and pictures of each 乗客s from the 712 families, to guard against possible infiltration by 交戦的なs.

Babies cried as 公式の/役人s at a public hall shouted on megaphones to try to 設立する order as hundreds jostled to 登録(する) for the 解雇(する) of rice and 5,000 pesos ($97) 配分するd to each 世帯.

With a 厳しい 直面する, the 地区's 年輩の chairwoman, Jamellah Indol Saro, yelled in the 地元の Maranao dialect at anxious 居住(者)s to 静める 負かす/撃墜する.

"I told them we have to thank Allah we're still alive," she said, smiling.

Some 6,500 families are 予定 to return this week in a 段階d 本国送還, a fraction of the 77,000 that fled to 避難/引き上げ (軍の)野営地,陣営s or nearby towns. Many 直面する a 非常に長い wait for 広大な 列s of Marawi to be rebuilt.

Retired 政府 従業員 Mitormar Goling, 72, (機の)カム home to find jewellery, money, furniture and antiques had been stolen. He said he 恐れるd he would have 餓死するd or been killed had he stayed behind.

"We felt the ground trembling from the 空気/公表する strikes. We didn't know if the army could 保護する us," said Goling, wearing sunglasses and a white skull cap.

"If you don't believe in their ideology, ISIS sees you as the enemy," he said, referring to Islamic 明言する/公表する.


He was の中で many people who said they understood that the 軍の had to destroy the city to save it.

Norida Manna's three-storey house was levelled by an 空気/公表する strike, but she's thankful she's alive.

The office clerk and 選び出す/独身 mother of six will now live at her sister's home, from which she fled in May as 軍隊/機動隊s outside 戦う/戦いd hooded, 黒人/ボイコット-覆う? gunmen who helped the escape of Hapilon.

The 反逆者/反逆する 指揮官 was subsequently killed in a 軍の 操作/手術 13 days ago. [

"My home was destroyed, but I don't 非難する the 軍の. They had a 職業 to do," she said.

"I have nothing left, but to us, every day is a happy one now."

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