Hundreds 決起大会/結集させる in フラン to 抗議する 性の いやがらせ after Weinstein スキャンダル

By Johnny Cotton and Mathieu Rosemain

PARIS, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Hundreds of women …に出席するd 決起大会/結集させるs in Paris and other French cities on Sunday to 抗議する against 性の いやがらせ in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein スキャンダル.

U.S. movie mogul Weinstein has been (刑事)被告 by 非常に/多数の women of having sexually 悩ますd or 強襲,強姦d them in 出来事/事件s dating 支援する to the 1980s, 含むing three who said they were 強姦d. Weinstein 否定するs having 非,不,無-consensual sex with anyone.

"司法(官) for Women"; "We Won't Remain Silent"; "The Shame Should Switch 味方するs" read some of the 調印するs held by French デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s, who were predominantly women.

In Paris, 抗議する人s gathered at the Place de la Republique square under a greyish 雨の sky, 答える/応じるing to a call that spread globally last week on social 網状組織s under the hashtag #MeToo.

The hashtag has been used by millions of women across the world to 株 their experiences of 性の いやがらせ and 乱用 on Twitter and rolling 地位,任命するs on Facebook.

の中で those at the 決起大会/結集させる in Paris was 88-year-old Vivianne Rouis, who …に出席するd with her daughter and granddaughter.

"At my age it's over, nothing's going to happen to me. But my daughter, my granddaughter, it's true that I think about them a lot," Rouis told Reuters TV.

"It has to stop. Because we're not 反対するs," she 追加するd.


Other 抗議する人s 勧めるd 犠牲者s to speak up.

"It's いっそう少なく and いっそう少なく タブー in our society and I think it's important that women, and even men, who are 乱用d, speak about it more 自由に," said Luana da Costa, 17.

Hundreds of thousands of accounts of 性の いやがらせ or 乱用 have been published under the French #balancetonporc or #squealonyourpig hashtag on Twitter over the past few weeks, 含むing from 目だつ actresses such as Lea Seydoux.

Some 保守的なs say the new 傾向 量s to an attack on the French way of life in the 指名する of U.S.-style puritanism.

< p>全国的な 協議s started this month over a 提案するd new 法律 that will 含む steps to fight 性の いやがらせ on the streets 同様に as 延長する the 法令 of 制限s for 強姦 on minors. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Johnny Cotton and Mathieu Rosemain; Editing by Susan Fenton)

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