Sturgeon sees "golden" chance to argue for UK to remain in 選び出す/独身 market

EDINBURGH, Jan 14 (Reuters) - Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon said on Sunday there was a "golden 適切な時期" to argue for Britain to remain in the European 選び出す/独身 market after Brexit, as no-one had yet 論証するd the 利益 of 緩和するing 貿易(する) 関係 with the EU.

Sturgeon, whose 国家主義者 SNP runs the devolved Scottish 政府, said there was no 代案/選択肢 to EU 会員の地位 that could 配達する the same 経済的な 利益s. She said 総理大臣 Theresa May must defend whatever 貿易(する) 選択 the UK 政府 chose to 追求する with hard 証拠, 損失ing the economy as little as possible.

"There is 無 信頼できる 証拠 to 示唆する leaving the 選び出す/独身 Market will bring any 利益 to our economy. Indeed, as our 分析 will show - the harder the Brexit, the worse will be the 結果," Sturgeon said ahead of the 出版(物) of a 熟考する/考慮する of the 経済的な 衝撃 of Brexit on Scotland, (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d by her 政府.

May is 準備するing for the start of 会談 about Britain's 貿易(する) 関係 with the EU once it is no longer a member.

Agreeing a 部隊d 姿勢 has been made harder by infighting in May's 閣僚 and 保守的な Party over their 見通し for the new 関係 with the EU, while the biggest 野党, 労働, is also 分裂(する) on the best way 今後.

"It will be a 根底となる dereliction of 義務 as 首相 if Theresa May continues to 追求する her 'red lines' without 供給するing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on their 衝撃, and 公然と discussing the 選択s 利用できる," Sturgeon said.

Sturgeon's party says continued 選び出す/独身 market 会員の地位 would be the 選択 that best 反映するs the fact that a 大多数 of Scots 投票(する) in the 2016 国民投票 to stay in the EU.

That result put Scotland, together with Northern Ireland, at 半端物s with むちの跡s and England, which 投票(する)d to leave, and the 関係 between Britain's four nations has been under 増加するd 緊張する since.

May has 示すd that ending freedom of movement of 労働者s between Britain and the EU is a 優先 when Britain leaves. Scotland, however, has argued for continued freedom of movement to 上げる its ageing 全住民 and support its food and drink 産業 and 田舎の life.

"(Those defending Brexit) have 完全に failed to explain how their approach could even remotely come の近くに to 取って代わるing the enormous lost 貿易(する) and 投資," Sturgeon said.

"That means there is now a golden 適切な時期 for those 穏健な 発言する/表明するs who are making the 事例/患者 for Scotland and the UK to remain in the 選び出す/独身 market."

The British 政府 said it was still 捜し出すing a one-size-fits-all Brexit that would 控訴 all parts of the UK.

"Rather than trying to 土台を崩す the result of a democratic 国民投票, we 勧める the Scottish 政府 to work with us to 確実にする, as we leave the EU, we 保護する the UK's 決定的な 内部の market," a 政府 spokesperson said in an emailed 声明. (報告(する)/憶測ing by Elisabeth O'Leary; Editing by Kevin Liffey)

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