燃やすing Iranian oil タンカー 沈むs after Jan. 6 事故 - Chinese 明言する/公表する TV

BEIJING, Jan 14 (Reuters) - An Iranian oil タンカー has sunk after 燃やすing for more than a week に引き続いて a 衝突/不一致 on Jan. 6 in the East 中国 Sea, Chinese 明言する/公表する マスコミ said on Sunday, 追加するing that a large 量 of oil was 燃やすing in the surrounding waters.

The stricken タンカー, called the Sanchi (IMO:9356608), which had been 流浪して and on 解雇する/砲火/射撃 に引き続いて the 事故 with the 貨物船 CF 水晶, had "suddenly 点火(する)d" around noon (0400 GMT), 中国 Central Television (CCTV) said.

"現在/一般に it has already sunk," CCTV said, 特記する/引用するing the Shanghai 海上の search and 救助(する) centre. It showed ビデオ of a tower of 大波ing 黒人/ボイコット smoke that it said reached as high as 1,000 metres, and 炎上s on the surface of the water. The ship sank before 5 p.m. (0900 GMT), the 放送者 said.

中国's 明言する/公表する 大洋の 行政 said that because the 船体 of the ship had 爆発させるd, a large 量 of oil in surrounding waters was on 解雇する/砲火/射撃, によれば the 公式の/役人 Xinhua news 機関.

The 行政 said it would 拡大する the 範囲 of its 監視するing and "quickly ascertain the spread and drift of 洪水ing oil" from the 難破させるd ship.

A Chinese 海難救助 team on Saturday 回復するd two 団体/死体s from the タンカー. Another 団体/死体, 推定するd to be one of the Sanchi's sailors, was 設立する on Monday and brought to Shanghai for 身元確認,身分証明.

The Sanchi's 乗組員 consisted of 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis.

Iranian 公式の/役人s said the remaining 29 乗組員 members and 乗客s of the タンカー were 推定するd dead. Iranian 大統領 Hassan Rouhani sent messages of 弔慰 to the families of the 乗組員 and called for an 調査 into the 事故, Iranian 明言する/公表する マスコミ 報告(する)/憶測d.

Iran's 政府 宣言するd a day of 国家の 嘆く/悼むing on Monday to honour "the 勇敢に立ち向かう 水夫s who died in the course of their 使節団 to 前進する the country's goals and 苦しむd a terrible 災害 and joined the 殉教者s", によれば an 公式の/役人 声明 carried by sta te マスコミ.

Chinese 外務大臣 Wang Yi earlier told his Iranian 相当するもの Mohammad Javad Zarif by telephone that "as long as there is 1 パーセント of hope, 中国 will continue to make 100 パーセント 成果/努力" to 救助(する) and 回復する the 乗組員.

The タンカー, owned by 国家の Iranian タンカー Co, was carrying almost 1 million バーレル/樽s of condensate, an ultra-light 天然のまま oil, to South Korea.

It 衝突する/食い違うd with the CF 水晶 (IMO:9497050), which was carrying 穀物 from the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, about 160 航海の miles (184 km) off 中国's coast 近づく Shanghai.

(報告(する)/憶測ing by Michael Martina and Tina Qiao; 付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by Dubai newsroom; Editing by Christian Schmollinger, Louise Heavens and David Evans)

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