Portugal's struggling 野党 elects new leader

By Andrei Khalip

LISBON, Jan 14 (Reuters) - Portugal's main 対立 Social 民主党員s have elected Rui Rio, former 市長 of the country's second-largest city of Porto, as their new leader who will 直面する the daunting 仕事 of 上げるing the centre-権利 party's lowly ratings ahead of a 2019 選挙.

Rio, 60, 取って代わるs former 総理大臣 Pedro Passos Coelho, whose centre-権利 政府 課すd painful 緊縮 対策 under the 条件 of an international bailout in 2011-14, which helped the 負債-laden country 現れる from its 経済的な and 負債 危機. He stepped 負かす/撃墜する as party leader after two 条件.

Rio, an 経済学者 who was a popular 市長 for three 条件 in 2001-2013, (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 former 首相 Pedro Santana Lopes to the party leadership on Saturday night, by 54 to 46 パーセント.

In his victory speech, he said he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to build "an 代案/選択肢 政府 to the 現在の 左派の(人) 前線 that has formed in 議会... 有能な of 供給するing more stable and 勇敢な governance to 直面する the country's major 構造上の problems".

にもかかわらず the 人気がない 緊縮, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) won the most 投票(する)s in the last 議会の 選挙 in 2015, but fell short of a 大多数 even 共同で with their 同盟(する)s to form a second-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 政府.

As a result, a 少数,小数派 社会主義者 政府 took over, 支援するd by the two far-left parties in 議会.

The 行政 has 逆転するd most of the 緊縮 対策 while 促進するing growth and sticking to 予算 discipline, which 許すd it to 地位,任命する the lowest 赤字 in Portugal's democratic history last year.

Since the 選挙, the 社会主義者s have long overtaken the PSD in opinion 投票s, with the latter dropping to 26-28 パーセント of 投票(する)ing 意向s from 37 パーセント in the 投票(する). The 社会主義者s are on 40 パーセント によれば most 投票s.

With the economy in its best growth cycle in a 10年間, 分析家s see few chances for the PSD to 勝利,勝つ in 2019, 説 that th e 野党, which has done little lately but criticise the 行政, needs new ideas and has to 焦点(を合わせる) on not losing more support to 保存する its political relevance.

During his (選挙などの)運動をする, Rio sounded a 懐柔的な トン, arguing that the PSD should 許す the 社会主義者s to 治める/統治する if they 勝利,勝つ the next 選挙 without 議会 大多数, while 推定する/予想するing 相互主義 in 事例/患者 of a PSD 勝利,勝つ.

In his victory speech he did not 言及する to such hypotheses, but said he 手配中の,お尋ね者 the party to be "a 会社/堅い and watchful 対立, but never demagogical and 人民党員, never against the 国家の 利益/興味". (報告(する)/憶測ing by Andrei Khalip; Editing by Dale Hudson)

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